The team of law Institute of SFU was ranked second in fedeal student law Olympiad for young lawyers named after Professor V. A. Udintsev in the fuel and energy complex

05 November 2015 hosted the Final of the all-Russian student law Olympiad for young lawyers named after Professor V. A. Udintsev in the fuel and energy complex (hereinafter – FEC). Olympics FEC established far Eastern Federal University, Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov Moscow state legal Academy. O. E. Kutafin, National research Saratov state University. N. G. Chernyshevskogo, St. Petersburg state University, Siberian Federal University, Ural state law Academy, Southern Federal University and is held under the auspices of the Association of lawyers of Russia with support of JSC "Gazprom Neft".

Teams which has passed first stages were allowed to participate in final stage. This year the finalists were eight teams representing the following universities: HSE, Far Eastern Federal University, Omsk State University, SarSU, SPBU, SFU, SUSU, SFU.

All-Russian student Olympiad is an intellectual competition of students enrolled in field of study or specialization "Jurisprudence" is held in the form of gameplay. Feature the Finals of this year contest participants competed in games trial in videoconferencing mode, which only increased the intensity of intellectual rivalry. The jury consisted of representatives of universities, whose teams were in the Final, and also the representative of JSC "Gazprom Neft". From the law Institute of the SFU in the jury included senior lecturer of the chair of civil law, S. A. Serebrennikov.

09 December, 2015 the results were summed up according to which team the law Institute of the SFU in the composition of fourth-year students - Galina Dolgikh, Alexandr Zhdanov, Maxim Penisev and student of the third course of Rauf Mammad-zadeh under the guidance of coaches –candidate of law, associate Professor of constitutional, administrative and municipal law A. F. Vasilyeva, an assistant of the Department of labor and environmental law D. A. Vysotskaya, candidate of law, associate Professor of theory of state and law A. A. Petrova, senior lecturer of civil law Department Serebrennikova S. A., took second place.

The overall ranking of the finalist teams:

First place – St. Petersburg state University,

Second place –Law Institute of SFU,

Third place – southern Federal University,

Fourth place – Saratov state University,

Fifth place – Higher school of Economics,

Sixth place – South Ural state University,

Seventh place – Far Eastern Federal University,

Eighth place –Omsk state University.

Congratulations to our students and coaches on an excellent result!

We thank the staff of the laboratory of information-legal technologies law Institute of the SFU for providing video conferencing!