Anti-corruption intellectual game "Who? Where? How much?" was held at the law Institute of the SFU in celebration of the international day against corruption

9 December 2015 at the Law Institute of Siberian Federal University anti-corruption student club at SFU, together with the Administration of Krasnoyarsk territory Governor on security, prevention of corruption and other offences, the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk region and the Club of intellectual games, SFU was the anti-corruption held Intellectual game "Who? Where? How much?".

The event was timed to the International day against corruption, which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2003 (on this day, was opened for signature the UN Convention against corruption).

Preparation and conduct of the game were carried out by activists and leaders of the ASC SFU, speakers, experts and masters on the game.

In the role of masters of the club, acted as scientific supervisor of the club, candidate of law, assistant Professor of delict and criminology of the law Institute of the SFU A. I. Zyryanov and honorary scientific Director of the club, doctor of law, Professor, head of Department of criminology delict and the law Institute of the SFU N. V. Shchedrin.

In turn, connoisseurs of the club became activists ASC SFU:

Eugene Gunchenko master of the game;

  • Margarita Volkova;
  • Peter Villa;
  • Eugene Drozdov;
  • Andrey Konstantinov;
  • Ivan Mazka;
  • Artem Marcus;
  • Nadezda Meshkova;
  • Alina Mudrak;
  • Nikita Ploskih;
  • Ksenia Sukhareva.

7 teams of various institutes at the Siberian Federal University Institute of architecture and design (IAD), Institute of engineering physics and Radioelectronics (IEPR) was represented by two teams, the Institute of pedagogy, psychology, and sociology (IPPS), Institute of management business-processes and Economics (IBPE), Institute of Economics, management and nature resources use (IEML) and Trade and economic Institute (TEI) were participants of the game.

10 tasks and typical corruption situations were developed for a game. The sequence of questions asked was determined randomly, teams answer as far as they are ready. Ther were several questions among discussion that were easily answered by connoisseurs and masters of the club. All the participants had the opportunity to speak, to express their opinions, ask questions and even argue, because the main purpose of the game was anti-corruption education for students.

While masters and experts summed up the results of the game participants were presented with caricatures of the anti-corruption subject and winners of various competitions: competition of anti-corruption social advertising and the all-Russian competition "the Corruption is...", conducted by NGO "transparency international-R" "Tale of corruption". The audience showed great interest, vividly discussed the protagonists of the tale.

According to the results of the game were awarded: prizes were awarded to all participants from organizers of the game, and the winners – the team of Institute of Economics, management and environmental Sciences, received valuable presents from the Election Commission of Krasnoyarsk Krai.

Ksenia Sukhareva, President of ASC SFU: "Such educational activities in the form of a game, have the participants basic knowledge on corruption and anti-corruption standards of conduct of teachers and students".

Eugene Akunchenko,who was leading the games, scientific consultant ASC SFU: "I Hope that all the participants received a lot of pleasant impressions and new knowledge that will allow our society to become a little bit closer to solving the problem of corruption!".

Irina Zyryanova, supervisor ASC SFU: "anti-Corruption education is an important component of each educational institution. It should be noted that the idea of an asset ask SFU to conduct intellectual business game found will support our co-organizers not only in terms of recommendations to discuss with students the typical corruption situations, but also in the promotion of the participating teams prizes and valuable gifts".