Premium for young talents from the head of Oktyabrsky district administration in 2016

We invite students, graduate students and staff of SFU to participate in the contest for the Prize of the head of administration of Oktyabrsky district in the Krasnoyarsk city for young talent in 2016.

The annual prize is awarded to talented young people under the age of 30 years who excelled in various fields and contributed to the development of Oktyabrsky district.

The award amount is 10 thousand rubles, each laureate receives a diploma. Applicants — students, graduate students and staff of SFU — need to collect the documents confirming achievements in related activities (copies of diplomas, certificates, etc.), and apply to one of the units of SFU (consultation on preparation, registration) depending on the category:

for high achievements in scientific and educational activities (4 awards) — Scientific and educational center of young scientists, +7 (391) 206-30-88, Svobodny PR 76Д, RM. 4-01 (Alexander Kirsanov);

for high achievements in the field of professional work (4 awards) — Scientific and educational center of young scientists, +7 (391) 206-30-88,Svobodny PR 76Д, RM. 4-01 (Atopsheva Catherine);

for high achievements in the field of culture and art (3 awards) — the Centre of student culture, +7 (391) 206-22-23, Free Ave., 79/10, RM. B1-11 (Malashonok Alfinur);

for high achievements in sports activities (3 prizes) — Sports club SFU, +7 (391) 249-73-99, Kirensky str., 26A, RM. Д230-a (Inyatkina Elena Vasilievna);

for excellence in public Affairs (3 awards) — the Department of youth projects, +7 (391) 291-27-97, Free Ave., 79/10, RM. B1-02 (Usmanova Ruzanna).

The laureates of the mayor of Krasnoyarsk, the winners of leaders of other parts of the city, the fellows of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region cannot be awarded. The award can't be given to creative teams.

Preprocessing and selection of submissions for the award in each nomination carried out by the relevant unit of the University and reports for consideration in the competition Commission.

Applications will be accepted until 14 January 2016. The awards will be held January 25, 2016 at 15:00 in Krasnoyarsk municipal Palace of culture (Svobodniy PR., 48).