New Year’ students’ troop from Law Institute of SFU visited Kansk educational colony

On December 27, students of law institute held an educational and thematic event «New Year's meeting of pupils and students» as a part of the project "Step Forward" of  SFU Law Institute and the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in Kansk VC

Students got information about the peculiarities of juvenile prisoners serving their sentences, their legal status in the VC. Then the students and pupils took part in one of the four thematic areas. Each area covers topics relevant to modern society.

So, at the round table "Youth subculture in modern society" participants found positive and negative aspects of each. The business game "Bridge between ..." pupils and students discussed life in the colony, and the life "at liberty." The students shared their impressions about their studies, preparing for seminars and tests, the amount of scholarships, etc., as juvenile offenders described how their day is organized, how they communicate with their friends, what incentives and penalties may be applied to them,  etc. On the area, "I am society ', particular attention was paid to interpersonal communication and ability to work in a group: mini-group among the participants exercises to develop active listening. In the debate on "Tolerance - a fashionable word or a necessity," participants discussed the relevance of this topic in today's society, isolated qualities of tolerant person. It is worth mentioning that such events not only promotes the development of socially useful skills of the inmates, but also creates social and adolescent approves behaviors through interaction with their positively characterized peers. For law students such public work in the colony, with the prisoners - a unique practice-oriented stage of formation of a professional attorney of a new generation.

At the end of the event, students congratulated  everyone on the upcoming New Year's holidays and gave gifts which were brought in Kansk by bus of SFU: board games to develop logical thinking and ingenuity, educational computer games, sports equipment, books, encyclopedias and much more.

The moderators of the sites made by the school principal at VC V. A Karapchuk, deputy director of the School of G.N Gerosyanova, teachers E. Trushina, G.I Golovina, G.A Sutskelis, teacher and organizer E.A Trefilkina and an expert group of social protection of convicts, a graduate of SFU Law Institute E.V Tarakina. The event was supported by the head of the project "A Step Forward", Head of the Department of Criminal Law Institute of SFU, Ph.D., associate A.D Nazarov. Departure of students in Kansk were organized by assistants of the Criminal Procedure chair of Law Institute SFU A.V Metelkin and K.V.Skoblik and executive secretary of the Public Oversight Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, undergraduate department of psychology and pedagogy work KSPU named after V.P Astafiev - V.V Gamolina.

The scale of the event shows the fact that the number of student visited Kansk colony was 43 people - mostly students 2 course, which used concepts taught in the framework of the discipline "law enforcement bodies".

3rd students  year Semen Kilepo and Maxim Ivanisov who participated in a New Year's visit  last year to the VC (at that time students brought a gift to pupils of more than 30 species of exotic animals for the corner of the living colony). And this year they went back to Kansk and actively participated in the activities of landing. But for visitors to the site of our Institute, we, nevertheless, give the impression second-year student Alexei Leszczynski: "I can on behalf of the students say that trip was successful. We gave gifts and talked with the children and staff, a little acquainted with the life of the colony. It is important to say that the guys have really been waiting and asking when we will come to them again. Personally, I have been consulting teenagers in Krasnoyarsk remand center №1, was a member of the jury at the Krasnoyarsk KVN sixth colony for men - dangerous recidivists. Kansk children colony - not a colony, but a modern educational and rehabilitation center for adolescents who had an argue with the law. And it's great to have such a unique Centre is working closely with our SFU Law Institute. I of course with the project "Step Forward" planing to visit Kansk colony again and organize useful activities ... "