Anticorruption club of the SFU: 2015 academic year annual report


1. New Year visiting Anti-Corruption student club of SFU (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU:

19December at 20:14 a meeting of the Anti-Corruption student club of SFU has become a New Year's fairy tale! Activists of the ACSC SFU were met with warm and kind words by the snow maiden Snegurochka. She declaimed poems about the vivid events of the club of the expiring year: about meetings with representatives of governmental and law enforcement structures, about the events in the TIY "Biryusa" about the grants, the competitions and many other activities in which students participated during the year.

However, It's not all as easy as it sounds! Snow Maiden came to ask for help of the ACSC SFU activists: to find Grandfather Frost who carries gifts! Of course, the students immediately agreed to help in this difficult matter, but it wasn't to be! Baba Yaga interfered the search and arranged various obstacles in finding Grandfather Frost! The             assessments always had two case scenarios. For example, you could make a stupa or instead give away your coins, come up with a quatrain about corruption or surrender by paying a certain sum of money to Baba Yaga.

But, as they say, members of the ACSC SFU are not born yesterday! They courageously carried out all the tasks and Baba Yaga had no other choice than to reveal the secret: to tell them how to rescue Grandfather Frost and snatch him from the "clutches" of corruption!

Finally, Grandfather Frost  arrived and it was his turn to reward all the ACSC activists with letters of gratitude for their contribution to the development of the Anti-Corruption student club of SFU!

After 21:20 all New Year's participants waited for the conference line with Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiatives" Transparency International-R "," the organizers of the Moscow All-Russian contest "Corruption - is" in order to know the results of the expert jury voting which was carried out separately from the popular vote! In the popular vote, as you know, we won two awards.

This warm New Year's Eve was complete with the announcement of the results of the contest, in which the members of the ACSC SFU took first place in the following categories:

"Corruption - is" - video (L.V. Borovikova, O. V. Derevyannyh, V.V.Efimov)

"The best motivation against corruption - is" - picture (A.I. Besfamilaya, G.V. Gelumbetskas, M.S. Kovaleva).

At the end of the evening the participants expressed special thanks to the Department of Criminology and deliktology, namely, Doctor of Law, Professor Nikolai Vasilyevich Shchedrin, Ph.D., associate professor Irina Alexandrovna Zyryanova, senior lecturer Nadezhda Porfirevna Bukharina!

2. Scientific tour of the managers and consultants of the ACSC SFU (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU:

            Scientific advisors of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU N.V. Shchedrin and I.A. Zyryanova took part in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "State of anti-corruption and ways of improving the fight", which took place January 27-28, 2015 in Moscow at The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation

The reports and speeches of numerous participants from different regions of Russia addressed the most pressing problems of the state, the measurement of combating corruption in all spheres of life.

The interest and excitement were caused by the speech of Assoc. I.A. Zyryanova, who told about the experience of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU and demonstrated the results of anti-corruption work of youth.

Following the conference a resolution addressed to the President of the Russian Federation was adopted and collector of articles is planned to publish. After the first day of the conference was held a reporting meeting of the "Russian Criminological Association", where members of the association have heard and approved the reports of the president of the Association prof. A.I. Dolgova and members of the board (see.:

January 29, N.V. Shchedrin and I.A. Zyryanova arrived in Tomsk, where the Department of Criminology and deliktology "reunited" almost at full strength.

On the same day all together attended the plenary session of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Legal problems of strengthening Russian statehood", organized by the Law Institute of the National Research Tomsk State University, where three reports were heard.

January 30 the Krasnoyarsk delegation turned out to be not only the largest but also the most active one during the criminology workshop, which was led by prof. L.M. Prozumentov and Assoc. D.V. Karelin.

In the section of Criminology Scientific advisors and consultants of the ACSC SFU delivered the reports on the following topics:

Akunchenko E.A. "Some of the corruption-factors of the Russian electoral legislation";

Bukharina N.P. "The issues of imposing to the teaching staff restrictions, prohibitions and obligations established by the Federal Statute "About Combating Corruption" and other federal laws adopted against corruption";

Vyrva P.A. "The positive aspects of the legislative consolidation of the institute of imperative mandate as a measure of prevention of corruption lobbying";

Zyryanova I.A. "The formation of a negative attitude towards corruption in the student environment";

Shchedrin N.V. "The principle of the "main link" in the system of combating crime."

In addition to rich scientific program of the conference, the department took part in the cultural events, among which the most memorable were attendance of the Tomsk Memorial Museum "Remand prison of the NKVD" (a structural unit of the Tomsk regional museum) and the theater of the living dolls "Two plus Ku" .

3. February 17 The Election Commission of Krasnoyarsk region together with the Anti-Corruption student club of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University held a Day of a Young Voter (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU: The key element of the event was a business game "Time to choose."

The event was opened by the deputy chairman of the Election Commission of Krasnoyarsk region, Alexander Popov and the head of the Department of Criminology and deliktology of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, Doctor of Law, Professor Nikolai Shchedrin.

Author and host of the project, lecturer of the Department of Criminology and deliktology of the Law Institute of the SFU, Scientific Consultant of the Anti-Corruption Student Club of the Siberian Federal University, Eugene Akunchenko spoke about the goals and objectives, and also explained the rules of the game.

The goal of the game - the formation of awareness (within the representatives of the student community) of the social value of elections as a basic institution of democracy, as well as a demonstration of the extremely negative consequences of corruption and other illegal acts aimed at the deliberate distortion of the results of people's will.

During the game, each team is considered to be a political party whose representative has to win the presidential elections in the fictional country. In accordance with the obtained legends each party has different options and financing. There are three ways perform the task: by yourself (for a long time, but for free), with the assistance of a consulting firm (faster, but not for free) or by using the corruption schemes (expensive and illegal, but the result is guaranteed). Information about the consequences of committed illegal acts shall be disclosed only in the final.

As a result of the business game 3rd year law student Sergei Kabanov – the candidate, whose party led the election campaign in strict accordance with the electoral law – has been elected as the president.

The winner and his team were awarded with prizes prepared by the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

As was mentioned by the deputy chairman of the election commission of Krasnoyarsk Region Alexander Popov: "Despite the fact that the elections is a rather transient process, it is also complex, which affects the formation of the legal and legitimate power in the country, the players were able to feel themselves as real candidates".

"We often make claims to the authorities," - said the head of the Department of Criminology and deliktology of  Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, Doctor of Law, Professor Nikolai Shchedrin - "But in accordance with Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the source of power is the people, which form, in fact, all branches of power through free elections. It turns out that all of us are the "supreme authority". Meanwhile, we do not want, and often do not know how to take advantage of the opportunity provided to us in order to improve our lives. Participation in the game allowed the young voters to understand and appreciate the importance of fair elections and to get some skills of personal participation in the electoral process".

Scientific advisor of Anti-Corruption Student Club of the Siberian Federal University, Ph.D., associate professor Irina Zyryanova thanked the representatives of the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Region both for the support of anti-corruption projects of young scientists, aimed at creating a negative attitude to corruption in the electoral process, and for the honor to spend the Day of a Young Voter within the walls of the Law Institute of Siberian Federal University.

4.           February 25th, 2015 a regular meeting of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU was held (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU:

Traditionally the ACSC SFU invites representatives of law enforcement agencies specialized in combating corruption. This time the guest invited was Oleg Bogaev - the head of the second Department for Investigation of particularly important cases (for crimes against the government and in the economy) of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Krasnoyarsk Region, Major of Justice.

At the beginning of his speech, Oleg Bogaev pointed out that the scale of corruption in Russia is difficult to assess. Its high latency caused by the fact that its participants are interested in hiding their deeds. Oleg Bogaev explained that, as a rule, the corruption crimes become known to law enforcement authorities when there is a conflict between the subjects of corrupt deals.

Guest put forward the thesis of "the evolution of the corrupt." According to the representative of the IC of RF in the Krasnoyarsk Region, the modern corrupt person less interacts with the briber, and more often uses allusions, various technical tools and assistance of intermediaries.

Genuine interest among the participants of the club was caused by the story about the features of the search operations with the corruption focus. Special attention was paid to clarification of the law enforcement authorities detaining a person with a bribe.

Then Oleg Sergeyevich turned the conversation into the mainstream of the specifics of the investigation of criminal cases of corruption. He noted that the investigation of this category of cases has its own characteristics. "There are no car chases, surveillance, blood ...

During the day investigator works with people, during the night – with the documents ... On the investigator’s training activities will depend prospect of further criminal proceedings ... "- said O. S. Bogaev. "What moves the investigator for such hard work? Exceptional thirst for justice and the certainty of punishment. "

Finally, Major of Justice noted that the work of the investigator is the work of a man with strong spirit, where sometimes you have to be tough and not by using strong language, but showing severe look and confident behavior.

5. On March 5, 2015 was held a regular meeting of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU and the representatives of Federal Security Service Directorate of the Krasnoyarsk Region (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU:

The event was held in the format of business game in which the complex practical case was examined. Members of the ACSC SFU share their impressions:

Aliona Besfamilnaya, 5-year student («Customs» specialization): "In the course of the business game, law enforcement officials helped us to understand difficult situation from investigative practice. I would like to thank our guests for sharing their valuable experience in solving practical problems with the participants of the ACSC SFU. Hope, we have many opportunities to participate in such events. It turns out that solving specific cases, we both deepen our theoretical knowledge and also acquire practical skills".

Ivan Zhivitsa, 4th year student, the head of the ACSC SFU Committee for Cooperation with law enforcement authorities: "During the meeting we discussed the case submitted by the members of the FSS Department of the Krasnoyarsk Region. Due to the lack of information, we proposed several solutions to that situation. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to discuss all of them, so some issues remain unresolved. But it should be noted that the discussion itself was very useful and interesting".

Kseniya Sukhareva, a 4th year student of the Comparative Law Department, President of the ACSC SFU: "Business game was very interesting and dynamic. Sparkling humor of the representatives of the FSS Department in conjunction with the substantive explanations of the practical material is the top class event for the students. We spent time "in the same breath." Not everything worked out as was planned. Meanwhile, we had an opportunity to ask questions of our concernment. The most important thing is that in the course of solving the case teams noticed and learned their mistakes".

Petr Vyrva, lecturer of the Deliktology and Criminology Department of the Law Institute SFU, scientific advisor of the ACSC SFU: "It was planned that during the meeting the students would be divided into two groups and each of them would try to qualify offered the situation in accordance with the legislation, judicial practice and theoretical points of view. Despite the fact that both students groups were well prepared for the meeting, extensively analyzed the problem and also found the judicial practice on the similar cases, a constructive dialogue did not work out. In the course of the discussion additional facts of the case were revealed and it required additional time for reflection".

Summing up the meeting, it should be noted that, unfortunately, the chosen by the ACSC SFU format of the event did not fully met the expectations of the Club members. During heated debate the response rate of students was not always as fast as that of the representatives of  the  FSSD, and the students’ level of knowledge wasn’t as high as that of their guests.

6. On May 13, 2015 was held a meeting of the ACSC SFU members with the head of the Krasnoyarsk Investigation Department of Transportation West Siberian Investigation Department of Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Major Justice, Andrei Maslov (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU:

In his opening speech, Andrei Maslov outlined the structure of the Investigation Department of Transportation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, spoke about the specifics of the Krasnoyarsk Investigation Department of Transportation West Siberian Investigation Department of Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the fight against corruption, and also noted that the majority of criminal cases investigated by the headed by him department constitute the crime of corruption. After that, the guest got a lot of questions from the interested students. They enquired professional opinion on the following controversial issues: distinction between the usual gifts and the bribes, the minimum amount of the bribe, particular features of the subject of commercial bribery, the problems of qualification and investigation of corruption crimes, etc. Each of these questions has received a highly qualified, detailed answer. Live form of communication with the law enforcement officer, supported by a lot of examples from practice and sometimes even by jokes, left no one indifferent.

One of the main issues of concern was the most effective ways of combating corruption. Responding to this question, A. Maslow emphasized that paramount importance in combating corruption belongs to prevention measures, in particular, to respectable wages of the public servants, insurance of the inevitability of punishment.

According to Justice Major the most effective punishments for corruption crimes are the monetary penalties. Commit corruption crimes, a person has only one goal: to increase his wealth. However, if the fine for such a crime dozen times exceeds the amount of the bribe, a person will think about the advisability of committing criminal acts. However, according to the law enforcement officer, a very important role in the monetary penalties is played by the implementation of the principle of inevitability of punishment.

At the end of the event the students thanked Justice Major A. Maslov for his visit and invited him to the next regular meeting of the club. He promised to talk about the work results of the Krasnoyarsk Investigation Department of Transportation West Siberian Investigation Department of Transport of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the fight against corruption during the next meeting and invited the students to pass practice in his department.

7. SFU students will share their experience of combating corruption with other universities (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU:

On June 3, 2015 at a meeting of the Council of Rectors of educational work and youth policy, it was decided to continue the work on the interaction between the universities of Krasnoyarsk Region in sphere of implementation of the anti-corruption preventive measures among students.

During the meeting the Anti-Corruption student club of the Law Institute SFU, which has no analogues in the Siberian Federal District, presented his activities.

"By the order of the Club of Rectors of Krasnoyarsk Region, it was decided first to extend our experience in other higher education institutions located in the territory of the region. So, starting in September, there will be held the presentation of the club, and later in each institution will be organized this form of work with responsible students"- said vice-rector for youth policy SFU, Roman Bogdanov.

As was said by the president of the ACSC SFU, a student of the SFU Law Institute, Kseniya Sukhareva, one of the main objectives of their work is to form skills and abilities in the field of research of the nature of corruption and its prevention among students. "We are caring out preventive activities, our primary goal is to form negative attitude towards corruption among students. We consider it necessary to explain to the students that there are a fine line between corruption and legal actions, between a bribe and a gift» – said Kseniya. – «In return we are ready to share our accumulated experience with other universities, to hold joint meetings, trainings, to develop new programs and projects for the formation of the right view on the issue".

It will be remembered that, a voluntary association of students was organized in SFU in 2007. Now the club has more than 50 participants. Scientific advisors of it are the Head of the Department of Criminology and Deliktology of the Law Institute SFU, Nikolai Shchedrin and assistant professor of the same department Irina Zyryanova. In 2015 they received a grant to participate in the annual Moscow International Model United Nations (2015).

8. Activists of the ACSC SFU on TIY "Biryusa" 2015 (news on the website of the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Region:

On July 20, 2015 in the Territoty of the Initiative Youth "Biryusa" within the law school "Profession «Lawyer»" was held already well-known game "Time to Choose", as well as educational training "Safety the voter’s will formation within the information field of the electoral process." Our guest of honor was Alina Almieva – a member of the Election Commission of Krasnoyarsk Region with the casting vote right.

 The structure of the discussion consisted of the theoretical and practical parts. Alina Almieva told to the participants of the international youth forum TIY "Biryusa-2015" about the models of democracy in terms of the liberal, republican and deliberative approaches, disclosed voter’s emotional and volitional basis, drew the audience's attention to cases where the voter becomes an object of manipulation and called the subjects of manipulation. Also, the forum participants were informed about the role of the media and the Internet in the electoral process, about the correlation between freedom of speech and free elections. Young lawyers learned the theory of democratic control by public opinion, the main role in which is assigned to high-quality media and high journalistic standards.

The theoretical part was continued by the practical component during which the panelists reviewed the real printed campaign materials of the election campaign for the positions of the deputies in the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Region in 2011 from the position of the target manipulator influence on the formation of political preferences of the voters, revealed its target audience as well as obvious and covert emotional-volitional installation.

Then participants of the forum plunged into the dynamics of the electoral process by the means of the business game "Time to choose!". The goal of the game – the formation of awareness (within the representatives of the student community) of the social value of elections as a basic institution of democracy, as well as a demonstration of the extremely negative consequences of corruption and other illegal acts aimed at the deliberate distortion of the results of people's will.

During the game, each team is considered to be a political party whose representative has to win the presidential elections in the fictional country. In accordance with the obtained legends each party has different options and financing. There are three ways perform the task: by yourself (for a long time, but for free), with the assistance of a consulting firm (faster, but not for free) or by using the corruption schemes (expensive and illegal, but the result is guaranteed). Information about the consequences of committed illegal acts shall be disclosed only in the final.

During the first stage of the game the participants had to complete the registration of the candidate, by submitting to the election commission a specific set of documents, including a statement, the party program, selfie of team posted on social networks, and others.

Next, the parties which successfully registered its candidate, needed to conduct election campaign by creating a poster and participating in the political debate. It should be noted that the format of the latter was focused on checking the candidates’ knowledge of the legal basis of the electoral process in the Russian Federation.

The team reached the final took part in the real vote. It is worth noting, that acts of corruption carried out by some teams during the game, which in their view significantly simplify the solution of problems in the electoral process and even deliver benefits, did not give the expected result.

 As a result of the business game the president election was won by the student of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University Alexander Oleinik - a candidate whose party led the election campaign in strict accordance with the electoral law. The winners were awarded with souvenirs prepared by the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Region, and the elected candidate also received a special souvenir - a book by Natalia Narochnitskaya "For what and with whom we fought."

9. Young voters match wits (news on the website of the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Region:

On September 22, 2015 the Election Commission of Krasnoyarsk Region together with a team of the Anti-Corruption Student Club of the Siberian Federal University held the Day a Young Voter. For the first time the traditional event was held in the unusual format. First-year students of the Law Institute of SFU were able to feel themselves as the real experts and also took part in the sport version of the intellectual game "What? Where? When?".

 The tournament consisted of three stages with 12 questions of different levels of difficulty, most of which, one way or another touched the story of the institution of elections and the electoral process of the Russian Federation. For example, young voters were to guess what did the CEC head Vladimir Churov mean by saying: "I know one polling station where international observers will be two times more than the Russian electorate." Curious to relate, the voter and the observers were the "inhabitants" of the International Space Station: Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson and Daniel Tani. Then the players learned that, in order to comply with the secrecy of voting for this particular person was even organized a special private session with the Earth.

 As a result of the two-hour marathon the winning team was determined, which managed to significantly break away from the nearest rivals in the number of correct answers. Champions received souvenirs from the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Region.       

10. The first Anti-Corruption Scientific and Practical Forum was successful (news on the website of Law Institute of SFU:

On September 24-25, 2015 in the framework of the Anniversary days of science "Yenisei political and legal readings" was held Anti-Corruption scientific and practical forum "Fighting corruption: modern approaches and perspectives."

The forum was organized by the Law Institute of SFU, the Civil Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Region and Administration and the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

The forum was attended by the representatives of science, practice and the public

On September 24, 2015 was held the opening of the forum in exhibition business center MIX MAX.

The first day of the forum was to the dedicated to the discussion of the theme: "The role of the civil society in preventing corruption."

The first report "Provisions of combating corruption in the legal systems of the world" was delivered by Doctor of Law, Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific and Academic Affairs of the "Scientific Center of Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation", vice-president of the Russian Criminological Association, Victor Astanin. Particular interest of the audience was called by the experience of foreign countries in combating corruption (United Kingdom, China, Brazil, France, Germany and others).

Doctor of Law, Professor, the Head of the Department of Criminology and Deliktology of the Law Institute SFU, Nikolai Schedrinv in his report proposed to clarify the legal definition of corruption due to: a) the allocation of corruption crimes, offenses and misdemeanors, which violate corporate ethics; b) the introduction of a list of people having public status; c) expanding the target of acts of corruption, including capitalization of non-material nature.

Chairman of the Council of Civil Assembly of Krasnoyarsk Region, Alexei Menshikov told to the forum participants about the role of civil society in preventing corruption. He said: "In my opinion, it is necessary to develop a standard of efficiency in combating corruption, according to which civil society could assess effectiveness and productivity of measures that are taking by public authorities in order to fight corruption in the region."

Speech of Doctor of Law, Professor, the Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of Altai State University Valentina Plohova was devoted to the preliminary assessment of  the draft amendments (July 2015) of Corruption rules for their compliance with the Constitution.

The deputy Head/Chief of the Governor’s department of regional security and Cooperation with law enforcement authorities, Nikolai Sarapulov talked about the practical issues of the support provided to the civil society. He noted that effective fight against corruption is only possible under the circumstances of positive interaction between institutions of public authority and civil society. An effective model of this interaction must be embodied in the form of direct participation of citizens and their associations in solving specific issues of prevention of corruption.

A member of the Public Council of the Krasnoyarsk regional organization "Knowledge", Ph.D, Zhanna Timoshkova told about the problems of implementation of anti-corruption education among citizens.

The final report was made by the assistant professor of The Department of Criminology and Deliktology of Law Institute SFU, PhD Irina Zyryanova, where she described the forms and methods of anti-corruption education of youth in the SFU. "Anticorruption education is one of the most important tasks of Siberian Federal University. Serious attention is paid to its solution within our university". The main subject of anti-corruption education in the university is the Anti-Corruption student club SFU.

During the discussion of the first day results, Irina Astanina, head of the Ministry of Justice of the Krasnoyarsk Region raised the problem of the different consequences of identifying corruption-factors in the statute of the municipality and in the normative legal act of the Russian Federation.

Possible way out of this situation is to adopt amendments to the Federal Law № 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" (25.12.2005) and other regulations regarding the suspension of the normative legal acts (provisions of normative legal acts) of the Russian Federation in case of detection corruption-factors, until of their elimination.

Alexander Puzanov, chairman of the Public Chamber of the Civil Human Rights Organizations Assembly said: "Today's forum is an intermediate result of intensive work. Public Chamber of human rights organizations together with the Governor’s department of regional security and Cooperation with law enforcement authorities is working on development and implementation of programs against corruption. Active participation and involvement of the public in the work of the forum is a clear indicator of the increasing level of legal awareness of residents of the region".

Gennadiy Ovchinnikov, deputy chairman of the Public Chamber of the education and enlightenment of the Civil Assembly, said: "The federal plan includes the supplement to the current anti-corruption work activity of the large public organizations, such as the "Obschestvo Znanie" and the Association of Lawyers of Russia. I believe that it is correct and prompt, because without citizen’s participation in addressing this global problem changes can hardly begin".

On September 25, 2015 Anti-Corruption Forum continued in the walls of the Law Institute of SFU.

The second day of the forum started with the opening of the round table on the topic "Issues of prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest on state and municipal service, in sphere of education".

Moderators of the Roundtable were:

Astanin Viktor Viktorovich,doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for scientific and educational work the state institution "Scientific center of legal information under the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation", the Vice-President of Russian criminological Association;

Marina Petrovna Romanova, Deputy head of Department – head of personnel and civil service Administration of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region;

Shchedrin Nikolay Vasilyevich,doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, head of Department of delict and criminology of the Law Institute of SFU.

The Round table participants were invited to discuss cases containing complex practical situations prepared by Romanova M. P. – Deputy head of Department – head of personnel and civil service Administration of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region and Zyryanova, I. A. – associate Professor of delict and criminology of the Law Institute SFU.

Joint work of representatives of science and practice in the discussion of problematic situations allowed participants to reveal actual problems of prevention and settlement of conflict of interests, and to develop approaches to the solution of complex practical situations.

The Round table was attended by: Avakyan A. A., from Krasnoyarsk regional organization of public society "Znanie" of Russia; A. M. Altukhov, Deputy head of personnel Department of Management of Federal Treasury across Krasnoyarsk Krai; Vakhrushev, A. V., Deputy head of Department of counteraction of corruption and the organization of work of Management of Judicial Department in Krasnoyarsk region; Verkhoturova M. A., Prosecutor of Department for supervision over execution of legislation on combating corruption of the Prosecutor's office of Krasnoyarsk Krai; Bohomazyuk V. I., Deputy head of the personnel policy and organizational work of administration of Krasnoyarsk city; Bushmin S. I., Professor of criminal law Department of law Institute of SFU, candidate of law.; Zyryanova, I. A., associate Professor of delict and criminology of the law Institute of the SFU, candidate of law; Kosinov A. P., assistant of the head of Department of the Ministry of justice of Russia on Krasnoyarsk region. Lisaya V. V., head of Department of normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Federal register, keeping the register of municipal formations, registration and maintenance of a register of charters of municipal entities of the Ministry of justice of Russia on Krasnoyarsk region. Matrosenko E. A., senior Prosecutor of Department for supervision over execution of legislation on combating corruption of the Prosecutor's office of Krasnoyarsk Kray; Petraeva T. B., consultant to the office of personnel and civil service of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region; Radchenko T. S., consultant to the office of personnel and civil service of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk region; Rakova, A. G., consultant, Department of personnel administration and training of the Ministry of health of the Krasnoyarsk region; Sarapulov N. K, Deputy head of the office of Governor of the territory for security and interaction with law enforcement; Terskaya E. Yu, consultant, legal, human resource management and the institutional control of the Ministry of agriculture of the Krasnoyarsk region, Yarotskaya N. In., chief inspector methodical-analytical Department of procedural control of GSU SK of Russia across Krasnoyarsk region and others.

The second half of the second day of anti-Corruption forum was devoted to the discussion of the theme: "Counteraction of corruption in sphere of rendering services to the population".

The moderators in the discussion were:

Shchedrin Nikolay Vasilyevich, doctor of legal Sciences, Professor, head of Department of delict and criminology of the Law Institute of Siberian Federal University.

Plokhova Valentina Ivanovna, doctor of juridical Sciences, Professor, head of chair of criminal law and criminology at AltSU.

Alexander Puzanov, the Chairman of the Public chamber of human rights organizations of the Civil Assembly of the territory, Professor.

The first report on "Preventing corruption in the education system of the Krasnoyarsk Krai" was made by Suhoplyuev Gennady Nikolaevich– Deputy Minister of education of Krasnoyarsk region. The report was extensively exposed complex of anti-corruption prevention measures undertaken by the Ministry of education of the region, including: implementation of anti-corruption expertise of drafts of normative legal acts of the Ministry; prevention of corruption in the Ministry and subordinate institutions: strengthening anti-corruption component in additional professional programs providing for the training of civil servants and others.

Particular interest among the audience was caused by Puzanov Alexander Alekseevich – Chairman of the Public chamber of human rights organizations of the Civil Assembly of Krasnoyarsk krai, the Professor informed audience about the specifics of corruption in the housing sector, on the revealed facts of corruption and suggested ways to combat corruption in the housing sector. Specific examples and a demonstration of video of the talk between  A. A. Puzanov and Russian President Vladimir Putin about the problems of preventing violations in the sphere of housing and communal services were received with attention by forum participants.

Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna, docent of international law Department of law Institute of SFU, candidate of la. Valentina Vladimirovna made a presentation entitled: "Development of the leader of the educational organization map corruption risks: results of a regional project, the prospects for implementation of the method".

Interesting and unusual was the performance on anti-corruption education of young people in Germany, prepared by Vyrva Petr Aleksandrovich, lecturer of delict and criminology of the law Institute of the SFU, with the participation of students from Germany Fiberg Yana and Alexandra Kremer, studying in the law Institute of the SFU during exchange program. The presentation allowed the participants of the forum to receive first-hand information about corruption in Germany and how to counter it (deterrence, incentives and education). The presenters also conducted a small comparative legal analysis of Russian and German anti-corruption legislation. Of particular interest to the audience was the example of the rapporteurs on the criminal prosecution of a school teacher in the form of a fine in the amount of 4000 euros for the receipt of the gift (statuettes worth 200 euros) from the parent of the student.

The greatest amount of discussion was ensued presentation made by Akunchenko E. A., lecturer of delict and criminology on the topic: "anti-corruption security measures in respect of technical candidates".

In General, anti-Corruption scientific and practical forum has been very informative and productive. The proposed program was rich and interesting. In turn a large number of participants indicates the relevance of the proposed discussion issues.

Activists of Anticorruption club of  SFU visited the scientific and practical seminar "corruption: the role of public councils at state authorities" (the news on the site of law Institute of SFU:

October 15, 2015 in international exhibition and business center "Siberia" activists of ASC SFU visited the scientific and practical seminar "corruption: the role of public councils at state authorities". The event was attended by representatives of administration of the Governor of Krasnoyarsk Krai, law enforcement agencies, public organizations of the region, as well as representatives of scientific organizations and the business community.

The main focus of discussion was to discuss the role of civil society in preventing and combating corruption.

The head of the public chamber of human rights organizations, Professor of the Siberian state aerospace University n. a. Reshetnev, A. A. Puzanov, spoke first outlining the basic terms, statistics, and directions of the state policy in this area.

The reports on violations of anti-corruption legislation, measures against corruption and the implementation, also made by the representatives of administration of the Governor of edge and law enforcement.

The next stage of the event was highlighting the problematic issues that exist in law and in practice. Including were addressed popular topics "fair procurement", of preparation for the Universiade - 2019 and corruption in the highest echelons of power.

The event was made the main conclusion: the main thing in the fight against corruption - cooperation of institutions of state power and the popular front, the actual strengthening of positions of public associations in the mechanism of prevention and combating corruption.

It is expected that the workshop opens a series of scientific and practical activities related to anti-corruption propaganda in the institutions of civil society.

Round table "Approaches to understanding and combating corruption in Russia and China" (the news on the site of law Institute of SFU:

29 October, 2015 in the form of a roundtable regular meeting of the Anticorruption student club at SFU. The meeting was attended by chief of the Center for the study of Russian law, Professor of the Heilongjiang University of Harbin, attorney, Pan Dunmay, and the head of Krasnoyarsk investigatory Department on transport Western-the Siberian investigatory management on transport of Investigatory Committee of RF, major of justice, Maslov Andrey Andreevych.

The moderators of the discussion were: supervisors: Professor, doctor of law, head of the Department of criminology delict and the law Institute of the Siberian Federal University Nikolay V. Schedrin, and candidate of law, assistant Professor of delict and criminology of the law Institute of the Siberian Federal University Irina Zyryanova, scientific consultats of ASC SFU, from delict and criminology chair of the law Institute of the SFU N. P. Bukharin, P. A. Wyrwa.

The meeting was opened by the President of ASC SFU - Ksenia Sukhareva S., who introduced the guests and reported on the agenda: discussion of doctrinal and legal understanding of corruption and prevention of corruption crimes in Russia and China.

Before starting the discussion, the head of Krasnoyarsk investigatory Department on transport Western-the Siberian investigatory management on transport of Investigatory Committee of Russian Fedeeratin, major of justice Andrey Maslov held a preventive conversation with Club members about the dangers of drugs, and also spoke about the successful activities of the division for suppression of crimes pertinent in the Krasnoyarsk region.

Turning to the discussion of the stated theme, the President of the club gave the microphone to Pan Dunmay, who spoke about the approaches to understanding corruption in China's scientific doctrine. Pan Dunmay outlined the definition of corruption given in Chinese law, and noted that the criminal code of the PRC there is a special Chapter on corruption crimes unlike Russian criminal legislation. It was also said that in China when qualifying the crime of corruption the ownership type (private or public) must be taken into account, for crimes against state property is assigned a more severe punishment than for crimes against private property. Turning to the characteristics of the subjects of corruption crimes in China, Pan Dunmay emphasized the trend towards increasing range of actors.

A detailed speech of Pan Dunmay caused great interest and many questions among participants.

There were the question of the 4th year student of law Institute of SFU Ivan Mazka about is the death penalty in China seems as an effective punishment. Pan Dunmay noted that the death penalty is not a universal remedy of struggle against corruption crimes, and said that this sanction in recent times is declining, as corruption crimes are mostly recognized as economic. According to Pan Dunmay, capital punishment may be appointed for violent crimes against the person.

From the speech of the Chinese colleague, the representative of the Russian law enforcement A. A. Maslov said that he became interested in the composition - "Unknown source of property" embodied in the criminal code of the PRC. Mayor of  justice said that in Russia in the case of fixing a similar composition of legal practice could be extremely interesting.

During the discussion, A. A. Maslov identified the main problems of the society on transport issues in the fight against corruption, cited examples of corruption cases from their practice and answered all students' questions. The particular interest of students caused information on cases on bringing to criminal liability of the teachers of the subordinate educational institution for accepting a bribe. On the question of how the police learned about the teacher committing crimes, A. A. Maslov said that from students. Appropriate behavior of students was assessed one of the present students as "rat". What major of justice stressed that he considers this behavior reported giving a bribe of the student conscious of the active anti-corruption civil position, and not "squeal or rat". For example, the train can't just turn on the button and then the composition will reach your destination... the management structure is a very complex process that requires a serious and thorough preparation, – noted A. A. Maslov, is a lack of knowledge when you bought the diploma can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences, from ecological disaster to numerous human victims.

Further to the discussion was joined by Professor N. V. Shchedrin, which pointed to the need to change the condescending attitude to some Russian traditions. Zero tolerance for corruption means care primarily about their own welfare and security. For example, according to the Director of the Russian representation of  Transparency International Anton Pominov, a third of the price of food in Russia are corruption costs the producers that they defer, ultimately, to consumers, that is on each of us.

The message of extortion, according to the Professor, is not something blameworthy; rather it is the contribution of the citizen security and personal safety. "And you are willing to seek help from a doctor, which in installments bought the diploma?!" - summed up Nikolai.

Summing up, we cannot say that it was an invaluable experience: to touch the foreign experience of combating corruption, accompanied by local representatives of science and practice. Each of the participants learned something new in the issues of combating corruption.


Educating the SFU: lectures on anti-corruption behavior for students IBPE.

September 17, 2015 the President of ASC SFU Ksenia Sukhareva and scientific consultant ASC SFU Eugene A., Akunchenko, held a lecture for students of Institute of management business – processes and Economics.

The topic of the lecture – identification of corruption. The lecturers told the students about what is corruption, what are the characteristic features it has. During the lecture were discussed following questions: "Corruption is only a crime? Or is it still an offence? Or ethical misconduct?" - students ' answers were very diverse. However, the most popular questions was: "Is chocolate a bribe?", "Is it possible, in your opinion, to give the teacher a bottle of cognac?". These questions brought the audience into a heated discussion, during which the students were divided into two camps each trying to prove their position.

Besides the theoretical part, the students were given the opportunity to solve practical problems, which are directly linked to student life. No one remained indifferent. Everyone could express their opinion and to share the experience. Then "all cards revealed" teachers of law Institute of the SFU showed students the correct answers, the result of which surprised some students.


Federal competition "the Corruption is..." in the nomination "video", held by ANO "Centre for anti-corruption research and initiatives "transparency international-R" (ANO Center TI-R) (news site of law Institute of SFU:

Participant of the anti-Corruption student club, SFU won a grant to participate the  international model United Nations-2015 in Moscow (the news site of law Institute of SFU: