"Judicial control over the lawfulness of normative legal acts (decisions) of actors exercising public authority"

Law Institute of Siberian Federal University with the support of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of Russian Association of lawyers on 24 and 25 March 2016 holding the roundtable: "Judicial control over the lawfulness of normative legal acts (decisions) of actors exercising public authority".

The round table will be held in two sessions.

24 March 2016 at 16: 30

The first meeting on the topic "Comparative legal analysis of administrative court procedure in Russia and Germany"

- comparison of the administrative court procedure codes of  Russia and Germany;

- principles of administrative court procedure in Russia and Germany;

- types of administrative disputes in Russia and Germany.

March 25, 2016, at 14.00

The second meeting on the "Practical issues of judicial control over the legality of normative legal acts (decisions) of the subjects vested with public authority":

- the jurisdiction of cases on protesting of non-normative acts by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

- jurisdiction over cases concerning the contestation of resolutions of cases of administrative offences made by the administrative authorities in respect of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

- challenging non-normative acts, entailing civil law consequences.

Applications for participation in the Round table will be accepted until March 21, 2016, by registering on the official website of the law Institute of the SFU (http://law.sfu-kras.ru). For all questions please contact to PhD., associate Professor of Department of constitutional, administrative and municipal law, Deputy Director for science Vasilyeva Anna Fedotovna, afvassilieva@yandex.ru, +79233280309, laboratory assistant at Department of criminology Grigorieva Maria Alexandrovna 8-923-300-99-77.