Teacher of SFU’ Law Institute is the winner of the contest for the grants of the President of Russian Federation for state support of scientific research - 2016

The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation jointly with the Council of RF President for state support of young Russian scientists and for state support of leading scientific schools of Russian Federation announced the winners of the contest for the grants of the President of Russian Federation for state support of fundamental and applied scientific research conducted by young Russian scientists - 2016 — candidates of Sciences, whose age at the time of termination of the grant does not exceed 35 years. The competition received over two thousand applications. In one of the ten areas of knowledge — "Social Sciences and Humanities" — was approved by the 66 recipients of this scholarship.

Professor of the law Institute Y. E. Tikhonravov also is the winner. The topic of his research is "Fiction as a means of judicial law-making process". The collaborator is a third year student of the Jurisprudence Department D. S. Shinkevich. Specified grant includes two years of funding.