Monitoring for the regional Bailiffs' Service

Students of our Institute in next three months will monitor the activities of UFSSP divisions of the region under the guidance of a member of the Public Council under the Office of the Federal bailiff Service (UFSSP) of Russia across Krasnoyarsk territory, head of the Department of criminal procedure law Institute of the SFU, PhD, associate Professor A. D. Nazarov,.

By order of the Chief bailiff of Krasnoyarskiy krai E. Lovando and the Public Council of the UFSSP in the region, students will conduct a survey of officers and citizens, monitor the activities of bailiffs in courts, will visit units of the judicial bailiffs. Based on the results of student’s monitoring reports will be submitted to the management of the regional SSP and the Public Council of the Ministry.

It should be noted that the practice-oriented training of students of criminal law specialization involves close interaction of the SFU law Institute with the courts and law enforcement agencies. In the fall semester law students monitored the activities of police units of Krasnoyarsk and its results reported to the management of MO MVD of Russia in Krasnoyarsk region and the Public Council of the police Department, implemented monitoring of trials of criminal cases, reports on which were submitted to the regional Court, the district Prosecutor's office and Advocate-office of the region.

While conducting studies on law enforcement students learned a lot of important and useful information for their future profession, visit the departmental museums: the Kansk educational colony, "the Krasnoyarsk prison lock" in Krasnoyarsk investigative isolator No. 1, Museum in the Minusinsk prison, "prison medicine Museum" the Krasnoyarsk prison hospital, "the Museum of national militia - police," in GU Ministry of internal Affairs on the edge, Museum of Prosecutor's office of the region. By the way, in the Museum of the Prosecutor's office edge of a huge field trip with students was held by the retired Prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk territory, member of the Board of Krasnoyarsk regional office of Association of Lawyers of Russia I. A. Borisenko.

A large group of students, reinforcing theoretical knowledge into practice, successfully works as public assistant investigators in the divisions of MIO IC of Russia on edge, assistant public prosecutors in the public prosecution bodies of the region, public assistants of solicitors, etc.

Not surprisingly, early career guidance, effectively-built business cooperation with the law Institute of the SFU and criminal justice authorities of the region make practical training in the law-enforcement structures and the subsequent choice of public service in the field of combating crime attractive for students.