Congratulations to the team of Siberian Federal University Law Institute with the successful passing to the intramural stage!

The intramural stage of Competition on international humanitarian law named after Martens will be held in Moscow on 18-22 April. The Law Institute team, which consists of a group of students YUYU-1306BMIP Darya Shinkevich, Anastasia Kondratenko and Vasiliy Zobnin successfully passed the eliminatory stage. They will be able to present our university at intramural stage in Moscow.

Competition is annually organized by International Committee of the Red Cross and has a name of outstanding Russian international lawyer F.F. Martens. During the eliminatory stage students wrote three essays and a motivation letter. As a result, our team was among 15 teams, which were selected for participation in the intramural stage. The ICRC assumes the entire costs of the invitation and organizing trips of students to the competition.

The team of Siberian Federal University Law Institute has already participated in the intramural stage almost 20 years ago. We hope that this time the participation of our team will be successful too.

Translated by Nikita Rafagudinov