New social project of the Committee

The Law Institute (SFU) students’ and professors’ human rights organization “Public Committee on the Protection of Human Rights” has won grant in territorial contest of social and cultural projects. The contest was carried out by Krasnoyarsk territory Ministry of Culture.

Project was developed by staff of Kansk Juvenile reformatory school lead by Law Institute (SFU) graduate E.V.Tarakina, who is now social worker in Kansk Juvenile reformatory school, and assistant professor, PhD A.D.Nazarov, head of criminal procedure chair, Law Institute (SFU).

Under the project’s terms, students of Kansk juvenile reformatory school together with professional directors, actors and artists of Kansk Drama Theatre should prepare a stage performance based on A.S.Makarenko’s “Pedagogical Poem” by autumn this year.

The premiere will take place on professional stage of Kansk Drama Theatre, and the first spectators will certainly be Law Institute (SFU) students, who participate in “Step forward” project. Also there will be students and professors of Law Institute (SFU), including famous actors from the remarkable performance “Humanitarian corridor”, staged on “Birusa” camp the previous summer: N.Y.Surkha, Kirill Shipunov, Alexey Leshinskiy, Karina Albertovich, Elmyr Nagiev and others (nearly all of them are participants of the “Step forward” project). They will help students of Kansk Juvenile Reformatory School in conducting rehearsals and the performance in reformatory school and even act as doublers of pupils-actors.

Its worth noting that in A.S.Makarenko’s Juvenile Reformatory school in the distant 1920’s pupils and teachers always staged various performances in their club. Residents of nearby villages came to those performances. So called “theatre therapy” is a powerful tool for “challenging” teenagers upbringing. Theatre studio works successfully in Kansk Juvenile Reformatory School for many years. Our students like to presents theatrical pieces to juvenile pupils or to develop joint theatrical scenes with them. On the recent Makarenko’s readings the performance “SHKID Republic” has been staged for the participants of this event in Kansk Juvenile Reformatory School. Pupils, teachers and stuff were acting on the stage. Among grateful students were our students, for sure.

By the way, new grant project if the Committee is called “Creativity – the key to new life!”

Translated by Maksim Grebnev