Sixth readings of Makarenko

Once every two years with the active participation of the Law Institute of SFU Russian scientific-practical conference is held in the Krasnoyarsk region. It is devoted to creative scientific understanding of pedagogical heritage of Makarenko A.S. in working with "difficult" teenagers.

This year, March 16th -18th, the conference brought together more than 150 participants from the whole region. Plenary part of the conference was broadcasted online on the Krasnoyarsk region’s Institute of Professional Educators website. Keynote speeches at the plenum were made by well-known Russian specialists in Markarenko’s works such as Bibikova V.V., Yakovleva N.F., Minov V.A. (Krasnoyarsk), Kushnir A.M. and Danilin E.M. (Moscow, respectively - the editor in chief of the "Education" magazine and leading researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia). Apart from participants of Krasnoyarsk region, there were delegations of employees of educational colonies of the Primorsky region, the Republic of Bashkorstan, Novosibirsk region, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.

The delegation of students and professors of Law Institute Lectures was led by Nazarov A.D., who is the head of Department of criminal procedure, PhD, associate professor and by Syurha N.I., who is an assistant of the Department of Criminology. At the mobile plenum, Nikita Igorevich made a presentation about implementation of the Law Institute’s projects in the region. "Step Forward" project is aimed at working with the pupils of the colony in Kansk city. Kan VC. "Juvenile Service" works with kids who are monitored by the police. "Psychic box" is a technology of work with aggressive teenagers.

In addition to the plenary session participants spent time in colony in Kansk city, in Center of military-patriotic and employment education of youth in Divnogorsk city. They also spent time in the Krasnoyarsk Cadet Corps in the name of Lebed’ A.I. and Palace of Pioneers of Krasnoyarsk region.

It’s worth noting that the founders of the Makarenko’s readings are: director of Kansk Juvenile reformatory school Karapchuk V.A., the president of Makarenko’s association of Krasnoyarsk’s region Bibikova V.V. (thereat – deputy of Krasnoyarsk region’s Legislative Assembly), PhDs, assistant professors from the Teacher Training Institute - Minova M.V. and  Minov V.A., N.F.Yakovleva and N.Y. Safonaova from Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university (named after Astafiev V.P.), head of the Social work department of Law Institute (SFU) Nikitina N.A. and head of the “Step forward” project Nazarov A.D.

Conducting the Readings has always been supported with the support of the Education ministry of Krasnoyarsk region, territorial department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, regional Teacher Training Institute, Law Institute of SFU and Moscow office of the International Prison Reform organization within the framework of the European Commission projects.

Successful conducting of the readings was provided by officials from territorial department of the Federal Penitentiary Service, such as its central board officers Semenyuk Y.V. and Zaharova Y.M., head of the Kansk Juvenile reformatory school Zalozhuk O.V., his deputy Astapkovich N.N., director of educational office of Kansk Juvenile reformatory school Karapchuk V.A. One of the workshops was carried in Krasnoyarsk Cadet Corps (named after Lebed A.I.) by participants from Law Institute, “security services” (Juvenile reformatory school, Temporary isolation Centre for juvenile offenders and orphanages) and orphanages. The moderator of this workshop was Karavanets N.V. - deputy director of the Corps, and her colleagues. They not only organized the roundtable on the highest level, but also presented talents of their cadets (boys and girls) on stage. Moreover, informative excursion on the Corps was made in order to clearly demonstrate current implementation of Makarenko’s ideas on military teenage games, on their patriotic, moral and creative upbringing as well as on living in society skills.

This year, an attention of regional and federal mass media was riveted to the holding readings. Journalists have interviewed a large number of participants and organizers. They have got useful information on international and national standards of a work with adolescents who are in a conflict with the law.

Office of Public Prosecutor in Krasnoyarsk territory has showed an interest to the readings. At a plenary session the chief prosecutor and Justice Advisor –Geraskevich A.S. made a presentation that was named as "Respect for the implementation of law in realization of pedagogical initiatives". Zherebor D.N.– an assistant of Krasnoyarsk special prosecutor was participating in discussions. Our graduates – chairman of the Public Supervisory Committee (PSC) of the Krasnoyarsk territory Slepuha V.A. and executive secretary of the PSC Gamolina V.V. took part in the readings.

It is essential to stress that Nikitina N.A. as the head of the social work department and the chief of a project named "Legal Profession" on the TIM Biryusa uses Makarenko’s technology. The Head of Makarenko’s association Bibikova V.V. will read to students of a social work, lawyers and teachers a public lecture on the topic of Makarenko’s theme.

 Participants of the readings received certificates of advanced training. The seventh following Makarenko’s readings will take place in March 2018.

Translated by Anastasia Yevtugina, Daria Kazachkova, Maksim Grebnev