Recruitment of students is carried out in team of SFU Law Institute for participation in “Crystal Themis” - Sixth All-Russian competition on Constitutional Justice among student teams.

The competition is held by the Institute of Law and Public Policy, under the auspices of the Association of Lawyers of Russia jointly with the Venice Commission Council of Europe in the form of constitutional proceedings (moot court).

Participants will be required to demonstrate knowledge of Russian legislation and practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the ability to use foreign experience and international standards, the ability to construct a reasoned legal position, skills, legal writing and oratory.

Qualified independent experts, including judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, will evaluate written submissions and oral presentations of teams. All participants of the final stage will obtain prizes and awards, interesting acquaintances and new perspectives.


Ronzhina Olga - Сandidate of Legal Sciences, assistant professor of constitutional, administrative and municipal law in Law Institute of SFU.

Vasilyeva Anna – Candidate of Legal Sciences, assistant professor of constitutional, administrative and municipal law in Law Institute of SFU.

P.S. The Law Institute of SFU team became winner and twice nominated for the All-Russia competition on Constitutional Justice "Crystal Themis" in 2015.

In accordance with paragraph 54 of the Rules of admission to the SFU training for graduate programs in the direction of "Law", the winners and nominees of the competiton receive 100 points for the entrance exams.

Translated by Nikita Rafagudinov