The Yenisei legal readings

April 21 at the Law Institute began the days of youth science – «The Yenisei legal readings» as a part of the XII International Conference of SFU "Youth and Science". This year master classes and round table discussions were organized in addition to the traditional legal sections. 

Also, playing moot courts and playing meetings of the international organizations held during the conference. All students had the opportunity to choose the section that they like according to their preferences.

The section «Issues of state and law» was presented 16 reports. Students discussed fundamental questions and join the discussion. The main conclusion of the discussion was a fact that finding new methods and approaches to the study of state and law is the general point of jurisprudence.

The section «Actual problems of the theory and practice of civil law» was presented 38 reports. There were a lot of different topics of the reports, such as bankruptcy, contracts, family law etc. Students used a written vote to express their opinion on the performance of the colleagues.

On the section of financial and taw law were considered the main theoretical questions of financial and tax law. The vast majority of speakers were second-year students of Law Institute. Also students were able to present their reports on the section "Actual problems of Labor Law and Social Security Law." The section was presented 11 reports.

Section "Actual problems of the civil law process," and "Actual trends in public law" distinguished for its high attendance and the amount of speakers. Students tried to show the most important issues of these spheres of Law, because nowadays environmental safety is one of the most pressing problems of the whole of humanity.

Also, special sections have been organized for students of Social Work. The report "Social support juvenile accused (suspects) in criminal proceedings" which was presented by the third year student -Catherine Karachakovoy took a first place. Catherine won everybody as a result of high quality of the report and very confident performance. For students of department of customs and international relations was organized the section of "Modern problems of international law and the prospects for customs cooperation in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union".  During the performances, each listener had the opportunity to look into the near future. 

The section of «criminality ensures of legal enforcement activities» was largely attended by the third year students. During the performances was discussed the most common issues of Criminalistics and Legal Enforcement Activities. This section was also attended by the visitors from the other institutes. All visitors listen reports with high interest, ask a lot of interesting question.  Performance, dedicated to the nature of the relations between lawyer and investigator in the criminal process provoked a lively discussion.

In summary we can say that the first day of the traditional event -   «The Yenisei legal readings» as a part of the XII International Conference of SFU "Youth and Science" was successful.

Translated by Anton Karlin