The symposium as a part of the Students Conference

On April 19, 2016 there was a round table on the subject: «Implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the national legal system of Russia». The organizer and the moderator of a round table was Ludmila V. Mayorova, candidate of legal science, associate professor of the criminal procedure chair of Law Institute of SFU.

Third year students from the group Comparative Law translated and analyzed decisions of the Constitutional Court of Germany. This decisions were part of the arguments in the famous resolution of the Russian Constitutional Court on July 14, 2015. And they are also used in the modern legal doctrine of Germany.

One interesting fact is that the round table took place the same day as the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation held a decision about the compliance of the

ECHR decision «Anchugov and Gladkov against Russia». This coincidence was not planned.

The discussions held by the participants turned out interesting and sharp. The students of the Comparative Law Department showed both, good language skills in German and the knowledge in solving problems of international law.

Translated by Anastasia Kondratenko