Law Institute Students – prizewinners of All-Russian student contest on jurisprudence

All-Russian student contest on jurisprudence includes three selection stages: university, regional and all-Russian.

On the 6-7 of April 2016, in Omsk the second stage of All-Russian student contest on jurisprudence took place. Ostanina Svetlana, Egorova Svetlana, Yurchuk Svetlana and Subbotin Michael – four Law Institute of SFU students participated in it.

In total, in contest participated students from seven law institutes of Siberian Federal district. This stage was held in two steps. The first step – written (solution of issues, answering some theoretical questions etc.). The second – verbal (speaking before the jury on suggested topics). Students of our Institute showed a high level of education and represented our institute with dignity. According to the decision of jury, Ostanina Svetlana took the second place and Yurchuk Svetlana – the first one and they could continue to participate in the third stage of a contest.

The final stage of a contest was also held in two steps – solution of tasks in written form and speaking on questions in a card. Following the results of a contest, Ostanina Svetlana got the third place in nomination “civil law”, the second place in overall standings. Yurchuk Svetlana took the second place in nomination “criminal law”.

Congratulations to Ostanina Svetlana and Yurchuk Svetlana, their instructors. Wish you further successes!

P.S. Winner diploma, diploma of prizewinners of all-Russia student contest in 2015 is considered as an individual achievement for admission to master study in Law Institute of SFU.

Translated by Irina Rykovanova