Our students are winners of the Urals State Law University conference

28-29 April 2016 XIV annual Russian national scientific conference of young searchers and students called “Evolution of Russian Law” took place in the Urals State Law University. Among participants were students, graduate students as well as postgraduate students and young researchers of Law Universities and faculties throughout 30 Russian and foreign Universities. SFU Law Institute was presented by graduate students of “Civilist: iustitia et ius” program Victoria Dgebko and Elena Korolkova (the research advisor is Doctor of Juridical Science, Prof. T.V. Sahnova).

Following the results of the conference in section devoted to “Modern issues of civil process in national and international law” Dgebko Victoria took the premier place. Being amongst the best one in each section her statement will be published in electronic supplement to “Russian juridical journal” (the link: electronic.ruzh.org).

You can find additional information about the event results at the address: http://www.usla.ru/ch.php?mid=18&cid=18&obid=6041

Translated by Sergey Nikitenko