Monograph of Siberian professor is highly estimated by german professor

The review of the monograph of S.A. Drobyshevsky and E.Y. Tikhonravov "Methods of filling gaps in the law" is published in the third issue of the prestigious German law journal «Rechtstheorie» ( «The theory of law") for 2015. The author of this comment is a lawyer from the US T. Lundmark, currently professor of the University of Hull (UK).

According to him, the monograph "is a fundamental and pioneering study of theoretical, constitutional and political role of judicial decisions, which overcome the gaps in the law". T. Lundmark supports the proposal concept of creative legal fiction, the methodology and the formulation of legal justification regulations, and many other original ideas contained in the book.

In Russian the review is published in the third issue of the magazine "State and Law" for 2016 (pp. 126-127). The monograph "Methods of filling gaps in the law" is presented in the library of SFU, on the subscription of the scientific literature and in the electronic-library system, "INFRA-M".

Translated by Victoria Krikunova