II Siberian anti-corruption forum with international participation “Relevant problems of anticorruption enlightenment and anticorruption education”

II Siberian anti-corruption forum with international participation  “Relevant problems of anticorruption enlightenment and anticorruption education” will be organized by Law institute and Centre of corruption and legal expertise of Siberian federal university together with Administration of Governor for Krasnoyarskii area and Civil assembly of Krasnoyarskii area.

Dates: 15-16 of September 2016th .

Key topics of the forum:

  • anti-corruption education as an integral part of the prevention of corruption;
  • correlation of anti-corruption education, training, informing, propaganda and other means of increasing anti-corruption culture of society;
  • content of forms and methods of anti-corruption education, criteria of effectiveness of its use;
  • using in anti-corruption educational programs means and anti-corruption informing, propaganda and other means;
  • features of anti-corruption education of civil (municipal) servants;
  • professional requirements for subjects of anti-corruption education;
  • crowdsourcing in  anti-corruption education;
  • role of  officials of Personnel Management Service who are responsible for prevention of corruption and other offenses in the process of anti-corruption education;
  • sharing best practices of organization of anti-corruption education;
  • role of law enforcement agencies in realization of anti-corruption education;
  • role of civil society in anti-corruption education;
  • role of mass media in anti-corruption education;
  • experience of foreign countries in anti-corruption education;
  • anti-corruption self-education.

As part of the forum will be a presentation of Anti-corruption educational methodical complex for educational system of Krasnoyarskii area.

To take part in forum you need up to 5 of September 2016th to go through online registration on the web-site of Law institute  of Siberian Federal University: http://law.sfu-kras.ru.

Programme of the forum will be placed on the web-site of Law institute of Siberian Federal University: http://law.sfu-kras.ru.

Place: campus of Siberian Federal University (information about room will be placed in the Programme of forum a bit later).

Contacts: 8 (3912) 206-23-28, e-mail: Forum15092016@yandex.ru.


Kseniya Sukhareva - Assistant Research Fellow of Centre of corruption and legal expertise of Siberian federal university, kseniyasukhareva2012@mail.ru.

Andrew Konstantinov - Assistant Research Fellow of Centre of corruption and legal expertise of Siberian federal university, andreybl01@yandex.ru.