Round table discussion: Antimonopoly regulation in the sphere of forest management.

Thus there is no competition in the sphere of forest management. Besides, insignificant attention of controlling and law enforcement bodies to the sphere of environmental management is worth pointing. It creates visibility of immunity for parties to legal relationship. Considering significance of the environmental management in Russian economy, it is required for the State in this sphere to conduct active antimonopoly policy and to deviate from its declarative nature.

The assistant of Krasnoyarsk Regulation of Federal Antimonopoly Service (RFAS) in Russia Eugenie Vladimirovich Kapsudin continued the theme of the round table with his report: “Violation of antimonopoly legislation in the sphere of forest management according to the example of Krasnoyarsk RFAS practice. Imperfection of forest legislation as a factor of supplying negative influence on a competition level”

“Practice of antimonopoly regulation demonstrates that the competition level in branch of forest regulation in Krasnoyarsk encounters some difficulties” – Eugenie Vladimirovich initiated his report. “Even in 2009 antimonopoly bodies of Krasnoyarsk with involvement of Main Department of Internal Affairs of Krasnoyarsk determined some facts of agreements conclusion between Agency of forest branch of Krasnoyarsk, Agency of state order of Krasnoyarsk and KGAU “Krasnoyarsk forest management”. The facts about the set of measures realization were concerned, particularly in the sphere of trades access provision and contracts for implementation of measures in the sphere of security and reproduction of forests conclusion, exceptionally with the abovementioned state institution (Krasnoyarsk forest management).

At the period between 2010 and 2015 antimonopoly body detected and prevented violations in the sphere of forest security, protection and reproduction. In general they were related to auctions for the right of state contract conclusion for implementation of a range of works in the field of forest security, protection and reproduction with their simultaneous realization. The auctions for the right of conclusion of state contracts, concerning implementation of a range of works in the sphere of forest security, protection and reproduction without realization, have also been conducted.

From the beginning competitive documentation has been prepared for a particular vendor - State Company of Krasnoyarsk region “Krasnoyarsk forest”, which was established on the base of the prior state company “Krasnoyarsk forest management”. Reservation was provided as one lot for the whole forestry territory. These created primary conditions for involvement of SCKR “Krasnoyarsk forest” - the one company in forest sector which has its branch offices existing in all the forestry of Krasnoyarsk region and possessing information about the actual work volumes.

     Translated by Svetlana Zakharova

2nd course, Group 15-06