Law Institute developed a unique Anti-corruption educational methodical complex together with the Centre of corruption countering and legal expertise SFU.

In 2016 Law Institute of Siberian Federal University, the Centre of corruption countering and legal expertise of Siberian Federal University together with Krasnoyarsk regional department of “Russian association “Znaniye”, supported with the Ministry of education of Krasnoyarsk region, and also with grants from youth policy and social development programs implementation Agency of Krasnoyarsk region completed Anti-corruption educational methodical package“The basis of anti-corruption awareness in educational sphere” design.

The idea of the project referred to the experts in corruption countering, criminal law, criminology, psychology and other sciences developing Anti-corruption educational methodical package together. Next the developers are meant to teach educational organizations representatives how to introduce the package. Then the representatives themselves, provided with all of the package materials, will conduct anti-corruption educational classes for their colleagues. Consequently, a massive anti-corruption awareness in educational sphere will be initiated in Krasnoyarsk region.

A creative group, under the leadership of professor, PhD in Juridical sciences, Head of the delictology and criminology department of Law Institute SFU N.V. Shedrin, and also of PhD in Juridical sciences, director of the Centre of anti-corruption and legal expertise SFU I.A. Damm, developed the following content for the package:

a) a presentation for educational activity conduction in educational organisations

b) a training manual for a lector’s preparations

c) normative acts on a certain subject

d) tools of visual anti-corruption propaganda and agitation

The package’s content implies minimized margin of a lector’s appreciation during an anti-corruption educational class conduction. This helps to solve the issue of lack of qualified knowledge in the sphere of corruption countering, criminal and civil law, and also other branches of knowledge.

Anti-corruption educational class is meant to last 1.5-2 academic hours, depending on audience potency.

The presentation and training manual gradually reveal three modules: “Corruption and its peculiarities in education”, “Corruption prevention”, “Main «corruption stereotypes» and ways to conquer them”.

The presentation for educational event was developed in a modern format and contains animated schemes, domestic comparisons, examples from law enforcement practice, and also videos-explanations of the staff members from Prosecutor’s office of Krasnoyarsk region, Head Investigations Departmentof Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Krasnoyarsk region, Federal Revenue Service of Russia Department in Krasnoyarsk region, and also a representative from International Institute of education planning UNESCO on key matters of anti-corruption awareness in educational sphere.

Quality of educational sphere representatives video consulting was significantly impacted by our honorable professors:

Demin Alexander Vasilievich - PhD in Juridical sciences, professor of commercial and entrepreneurial law;

Tarbagaev Alexander Nikolaevich - PhD in Juridical sciences, professor, Head of criminal law department;

ShedrinNikolayVasilievich - PhD in Juridical sciences, professor, Head of criminology and delictology department of Law Institute SFU.

The training manual is meant to be a tool for independent lector’s preparations. It contains basic knowledge about corruption, its negative consequences, the history of corruption prevention, approaches to its comprehension, and also about its peculiarities in educational system. Special attention is paid to the general system of corruption countering characteristic, to the role of anti-corruption education in this system, and to main corruption stereotypes overcoming.

During December 2016 knowledge about this package implementation was acquired by 902 representatives from 138 educational organisations located in Krasnoyarsk region.

Anti-corruption educational methodical package“The basis of anti-corruption awareness in educational sphere”is available at the Ministry of educationof Krasnoyarsk region site (link).