Lecturers of the Law Institute are at a conference in Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2016

An international academic and research conference and a XI International academic and research conference "Kutafin readings" on the topic "Ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual in the modern world" were being held during the 22nd to 24th of November, 2016. The conference organizers were Law School of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kutafin Moscow State Law University with the participation of legislative, executive and judicial bodies, a lawyers public association, leading law universities and scientific institution of Russian law.

The lecturers of Law Institute of Siberian Federal University participated in the conference.

The head of theory and history of state and law chair, Professor, Doctor of law S.A.Drobyshevsky took part in the work of theory of state and law section and made a presentation on “The ideals of politically organized society and law: some controversial issues”. On the same section Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Labor and Environmental Law A.V.Pushkina made a presentation on “To the issue of features of protection of rights and freedom”

On the section of history of state and law Senior lecturer of theory and history of State and Law chair A.A. Gabov made a presentation on “To the understanding of center and periphery in the context of political and legal centralization and decentralization”

Aforementioned presentations incurred numerous questions of the conference participants. The conference distinguish itself by high scientific level. Researchers from different regions of Russia and near abroad participated in the conference.