Completions on the knowledge of welfare state were held on the Department of Social Work

On 12 of December second-year students of social work department of Law Institute competed in the knowledge of welfare state basics. The game “How well do I know the basics of welfare state and civil society?” is a tradition of the department, which was founded by a docent of theory and methods of social workTat'yana Anatol'yevna Kattsina. The game is not an interactive way of checking the knowledge of the second-year students about under study discipline only but also an actualization of residual knowledge of third-year students. The third-years students, who studied this discipline year ago, were the main providers and developers of the game.

Сompetition’s content was comprised of two formats: team game and captain’s competition. The second-year students formed 5 teams, thought up the peculiar titles for them. Replacing each other, the  players answered questions about the peculiarities of welfare state, civil society, Russian political system. Captains met with harder tests – instead of text questions with choice of answer, like in team game, they were offered to answer open questions on the knowledge of political reality of modern Russia. Teammates and supporters excitedly welcomed each success of players. A noteworthy detail is that students played at Constitution Day, so there were questions concerned the history of this holiday and the knowledge of the basic law.

Participants of the intellectual game showed good knowledge of academic discipline, communication skills and the ability of team interaction during accomplishing intellectual tasks. On the results of game the first prize was taken by team “Women’s conversation” consisted of: Anastasia Formanyuk, Tatyana Tuzova, Natalia Adodina, Victoria Franz, Tatyana Brovchenko; Captain - Anastasia Attink. Second prize was taken by «Putin's gang» team (Valerya Namazova, Sanchirma Kuzhuget, Alena Bulakhova, Julia Lopatkina, Captain Sofya Dobrova). The team «Benefit recipients” (Natalia Shulyak, Nadezhda Rusinovskaya, Anna Kayashova, Julia Klokova, Captain Olch Sogd) was ranked third.  It was not possible to determine the only winner in the captain’s competition, students Olycha Sogda and Sonia Dobrova gained the same amount of points, running away from the competitors, and answered additional question correctly too. Therefore it was agreed to declare the both girls victorious.

Winners were awarded with charters signed by the Law Institute Director I.V. Shishko and sweets brought by the Social Work Department. At the end of the game the third-years students Ekaterina Fatyanova, Maxim Korolkov and Anna Chernykh, who were the organisers, was awarded with letter of appreciation in the name of Law Institute of SFU. The intellectual game was carried out in a cordial, friendly atmosphere and brought a lot of positive emotion to all participants. Our second-year students can confidently answer question “How well do I know the basics of welfare state and civil sociery?” with phrases like “well” and “fine”.