A Regular Session of the Scientific Advisory Counsel at the Krasnoyarsk territory Prosecution Office

At the meeting of the Scientific Advisory Counsel in Krasnoyarsk territory prosecution office on 16th June 2016 experienced professionals from the police, courts, prosecution office and professors from Law Institute (SFU) worked out unified law enforcement practice in investigating and hearing in courts criminal cases under article 264.1 of the Criminal Code of Russia.

This newly introduced article sets out criminal responsibility for driving car, tramway or other mechanical vehicle while being drunk by person, who has already been subjected to administrative penalty for drunk driving. N.N. Tsukanov, PhD, professor of the constitutional, administrative and municipal law chair; S.I. Bushmin, docent of criminal law chair; L.V. Mayorova, docent of criminal procedure and criminalistics chair; and A.D. Nazarov, the head of criminal procedure and criminalistics chair presented their views on the issues of law enforcement in this area.