Law Institute (SFU) Magistrate students again in Advocates Chamber

On 11th April 2016 magistrate program “Advocate in trial” students met with advocates. The meeting took place in Advocates Chamber of Krasnoyarsk territory within specially organized training.

This training was the second part of the subject “Advocate in civil proceedings” in magistrates program. The first part was dedicated to pre-trial work of advocate with a client, primarily negotiation work. This was carried out in Law Institute several weeks ago. Then the students during the interview with a client had to understand his case, figure out the interest, give him assistance in negotiation and later, using civil law norms, put the reached agreements into written contract.

In the second part, which took place in Advocates Chamber, magistrate students presented the interests of the same clients in court.

This work format was very useful for a professional development of young lawyers, because they encountered to solving precise real cases. By overcoming professional issues in game situations, students acquire experience, fundamental schemes for different cases and receive advice from mature advocates. In that sense, Krasnoyarsk and Advocates Chamber is a very rare in Russia combination that participated in professional development. A decent part of classes in magistrate program “Advocate in trial” is carried out by experienced advocates, who operate specialized teaching techniques.

We hope that this cooperation will continue and will bring a lot of interesting and useful trainings.