What is not taught at Law Institutes?

Many things. Unless it is the Law Institute of SFU. On Saturday morning, 4th of March, students of master program “A lawyer in a court trial” gather together with the versed couches of professional skills – the lawyers of Lawyers Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

It is about the technique of negotiation. No, it is not about drafting contracts. The students of master program will face to this procedure later by studying certain subject. We are talking about the activity, which gives a lawyer an opportunity to get a material that will look like a legal document in the end. Howandwhencedidthismaterialcomefrom?

This material is the substance, which is unfamiliar to regular lawyers. An agreement is the name of this substance. The main task of the played interactive role-playing game is to let the masters find out the connection between a contract text and an  agreement, which is “packed” (transformed) in this text.

Why is this important? A reason is simple. Lawyers extremely often consider a harmonization of contracts procedure as a procedure of exchange of contract’s clauses, which provide no agreement. Therefore, there is no sense in such procedure. Therefore, a contract is not inherently considered as an agreement. Therefore, disagreements and litigation appear. Therefore, terminated relations and lasting problems that bring only losses take place. Knowing how to negotiate contracts, to seek an agreement, which is beneficially to perform, knowing how to draft a contract in a legally correct way on the grounds of the reached agreement, continuing the cooperation with a contractor form the competence, without which lawyer is no longer effective and high-demand nowadays.

During whole Saturday the masters with the help of their senior colleagues were doing the following activities: a meeting with client and an interviewing, an ascertainment of circumstances of the client’s problem and the interest behind it, an analysis of situation and legal consoling, a formulation of negotiation topics and attempts to agree on one or another issue. Not everything was accomplished. But it was a realization of a pedagogical idea. To stumble and to understand the activity’s mechanism, to see the mistakes, to try to correct yourself immediately are the main methodical steps realized by the lecturers of “A lawyer in a court trial” master program.

Saturday is over, but exercises are not. Now detailed analysis and analysis of the game, which will take place on Friday, 10th of March, are being prepared. After the preparation will continue, because of the fact that master will take part in several acts of this role playing game.

It should be pointed out that past training is not the only step in the sphere of professional negotiation skills. Earlier the masters studied special program of Institute of Developmental Psychology, which aimed to introduce the basics of a communication. Professor B.I. Hassan conducted these special classes. After the game masters will have to meet with the Professor and settle down the study of negotiation skills in sophomore year of master program.

The developing of the role playing game took several months. The game was being testing for 2 years. The lawyers of Lawyers Chamber of Krasnoyarsk Region, Teachers of the Institute for Advanced Training of Lawyers were participating directly in its test.

  • Vasin V.V.
  • Kireev P.D.
  • Mikhailova Yu.N.
  • Mons N.S.
  • Redkin D.A.
  • Khoroshev I.A.
  • Shcherbakov I.P.

As well as teachers of master program of Law Institute of SFU “A lawyer in a court trial”:

  • Brester A.A.
  • Serebrennikova S.A.
  • Shevchenko I.A.