Scientifically-practical seminar in the Central Investigation Department of Investigation Committee of Russian Federation on Krasnoyarsk region

Regional scientifically-practical seminar was organized by Central Investigation Department of Investigation Committee on Krasnoyarsk region for the investigators of the Major Case Squad, the region Heads of Investigation subdivisions.

First time the organizers of the seminar have reserved 12 seats for Law Institute SFU students. Criminal procedure and criminology department sent 2nd year Master course students studying “Justice in criminal cases”, 4th year bachelor course students, and also students, working as public assistants of investigators. These lawyers-to-be are being prepared for their future career as Investigators, Prosecutors, Judges.

The presenters were telling about some details of criminal investigation process in abusive, corruption, economic offences, new crime detection techniques, effective judicial examination and etc., turning to the examples of investigation practice.

The presentation on the topic of some features in juvenile interrogation was made by Deputy Head of criminal procedure and criminology Department of Law Institute SFU, PhD in juridical sciences, associate Professor, member of Scientifically-Consulting Council of Central Investigation Department of Investigation Committee in Krasnoyarsk region I.A. Zhuravleva.

By Zakharova Svetlana
