Lectures of Professor S. Domaradskiy

Open lectures of S. Domaradskiy – Lazarskiy University professor (Poland, Warsaw) were held from 13 till 16 of February, 2017 in Law Institute of Siberian Federal University.

The lectures were organized within the frameworks of “International relations” partnership development. The students were hearing the lectures of professor Domaradskiy on the discipline “European integration and relations between EU and Russia”. The students have noticed that the lectures were informative and thought provoking. Professor also succeeded in captivating the students with a discussion about EU, relations between EU and Russia perspectives. Further work on the discipline is also meant to be conducted with S. Domaradskiy assistance. At the end of March a round table discussion in a form of videoconference with Lazarskiy University will be organized. There the students of LI SFU will have a chance to introduce their reports and presentations to S. Domaradskiy.

Zakharova Svetlana
