Lectures in Gdanskuy University

From 27 of February till 11 of March head of international law department of Law Institute SFU was in Gdanskuy University (the Republic of Poland) within implementation of inter-university agreement, where she was reading a course of lectures. The course of lectures «International Investment Law and Russian Investment Policy» was suggested as an optional course for students of each department, studying on law and management faculty in Gdanskuy University.

The course was devoted to the issues of investor rights, foreign capital investments guarantees and also of stimulation and involvement of investments in Russia. The course attracted attention of students from “Law” department as well as students from “European business management” department. During being in Gdansk 15 hours of lectures were taken, the seminars were conducted and after completion students passed the exams. During the visit T.U. Sidorova met with professors of law and management faculty and also with the dean of the faculty, who wished partnership between the universities would be continued.

Zakharova Svetlana

15-06 group