“Eco-Jurist” seminar in Law Institute

Ecological centre on defending rights “Bellona” with support of European Union conducts a seminar “Eco-Jurist” on 24-25 of April, 2017 in Law Institute SFU.

Within the seminar students of Law Institute will have an opportunity to improve their knowledge on ecological law and to practice obtained skills for protection and preservation of environment. On the seminar the experts of “Bellona” centre will share their experience in protection of ecological rights of the citizens, will give some advice for meaning independent business, and also will help students to navigate in upcoming ecological law business orientation. Participants will be engaged in discussions, individual and group activities.

The seminar will take two whole days including coffee breaks and dinner. After completing the seminar, students will get certificates reflecting their results.

For the seminar we invite the students who participated in the competition “Eco-Jurist-2016” and also any other aspiring students, studying ecological law.

To take part in the seminar the students of SFU are required to fill in the application form until the date of 06.04.2017 by the address: http://bellona.ru/ecojur/ecojur-2016/seminars/

Zakharova Svetlana

15-06 group