Spring DSG -2017 session is over!

Law Institute has new graduates of DSG program (German-language course of study “German Law”)

Since 6.03.2017 till 11.03.2017 scientific employees of Passau University Leonard Schmitz and Andreas Scheibenpflüg held a course “German Civil law”, and since 13.03.2017 till 18.03.2017 Peter Kerlings and Ulrich Gatsk held a course "Commercial (merchant) law, the right of societies created on the basis of private law, labor law".  Upon completion of passed disciplines third-year students of Comparative law department of Law Institute and non-resident student from Irkutsk had exams. This was a final session of DSG program.

After successful exams passage in all subjects, (2 sessions in a year during 2 years of study and the participation in summer school) participants got Certificates on the completion of DSG, jointly issued by Siberian Federal University and Passau University.

DSG graduates have various opportunities for continuing of studying German Law in Passau University. For example, DSG graduates are able to interrupt their study in Russian University to get "Certificate of Basic Knowledge of German Law" during year’s schooling in Passau. After getting Russian federation education, they can participate in short-term internships for preparing and writing a diploma, bachelor’s thesis, master’s thesis. To refresh knowledge of German language, graduates can annually participate in so-called expert seminars, which are carried out by DAAD in Europe.

International department of Law Institute congratulates the students with completion of DSG program.