A seminar “Socially important environmental and economic issues of Krasnoyarsk Region”

Regular section “Socially important environmental and economic issues of Krasnoyarsk Region” was carried out 15 of April, 2017. That seminar was dedicated to issues of law regulation of environment on the international and national levels.

Three lecturers of Law School of SibFu gave reports during the seminar: Sidorova T.Yu. "International legal aspects of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development"; Pavelieva E.A. "Supranational aspects of European environmental policy", Fitsai D.A. "Comparative legal analysis of environmental protection in Russia and China."

Sidorova T.Yu, the head of Department of International Law, was the first to give a report. She reported about historical retrospective of development of international ecological law, stressed a modern society’s attitude to the problems of ecology, distinguished the problems, which does not allow to effectively resolve ecological issues at the global and national levels. She also esteemed The Paris Agreement on Climate Change of 2016.

Then Pavelieva E.A., the docent of the Department of International Law, presented an European experience of solving ecological problems with an application of mechanisms of supranationality within the scope of integration association. She particularly stressed the effectiveness of European Union institutes’ activities in the sphere of implementation of ecological standards of industrial activities, lowering the level of environmental pollution, and made a conclusion about the fact that integration associations can help to solve ecological problems through the actions of mechanisms of economic cooperation.

D.A. Ficai, senior lecturer of Labor and Ecological Law, completed the seminar, by sharing the experience of comparative legal research of ecological rights protection in Russia and China. Particularly, she mentioned the effectiveness of activities of ecological courts of China that greatly simplify protection of rights of citizens and help them in justifying, which is a significant problem when applying to a court in Russia.

Seminar was finished with a discussion, where the participants discussed measures which can be implemented for the solving of ecological and economic problems from the point of legal regulation.