Annual conference “Yenisei legal reading” was carried out in 20 and 21 of April in the Law School of SibFU. 300 studies were presented within the scope of work of 24 sections.

_ytRe9pJZPY_96bf2.jpgDifferent sections of the conference were working: starting from the basic ones, such as “Topical issues of civil law”, “Criminal Procedure: a challenge of modernity», ending with narrow-focused ones – “Topical issues of legal support of business" or "Criminalistic provision of law enforcement activities". Absolute leader in the number of participants was a section “Topical issues of Criminal Law”. 66 participants stated reports in this section.

qugyTRBGrWw_9b254.jpgJohanna Kaufmann, an exchange student from Germany, participated in the section “"Criminal Procedural Problems of the ECHR Decisions". She disclosed comparative aspect of the implementation of the ECHR decisions in Germany and Russia in her report. Our guest was delighted with the conference, “This is great! There isn’t such kind of occasions in Germany, where students are able to participate in. I was a little bit nervous, but it was interesting to wiz. I was surprised that Russian students are not afraid to criticize and ask questions!”

Not only students of SibFu managed to participate in the conference. Students of Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and guests from other cities: students of Higher School of Economics - National Research University of Moscow and Altai State University took part in the conference.

gmik86gSyhE_6917b.jpgThe case of professions mixture took place in the conference. Students of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev, Yenisei Pedagogical College and Achinsk Pedagogical College participated in the section “Criminal Procedure”. Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, head. Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Alexander Nazarov mentioned that conference is carried out not for the first time, so students are likely to participate both in the conference presenting their reports and in a big discussion next year.

0jTgfqX3WSY_c5f23.jpgFirst-year students and future lawyers gave a pleasure by their active participation. Within the scope of section “Sanctions have positive impact”, the first-year students carried out debates, trying to discover what sanctions are and how do they impact on us. Students were not afraid to give reports on the conference and to participate in quest dedicated to the topical issues of international relationships. The quest consisted of 3 rounds. The participants answered questions, concerning international occasions in each round. The discussion of topical issues of international events took place in the first round, the game on making accordance between the country, country’s flag and her leader took place; the discussion on the “Is it possible to eliminate racism?” was carried out in the third round. Eco-quiz was carried out for those, who are agitated of ecological issued of humanity. 13 teams took part, where 5 of them were schoolchildren teams. The students were to solve the most cunning and complicated questions. For example, the question “Who is Wrestler Pasco?”.

IAptLQmarB8_54b92.jpgEveryone interested were able to visit a trial. It was carried out not in a city court, but in the Law School. Third-year students tried a civil case concerning compensation for harm health and harm to property. However, the trial wouldn’t be so interesting without a help of our future study colleges. Students of Lyceum №1 played the judge, which was challenged, and very glib witness.

We greet the conference participants with the successful completion of it, wish them future victories and achievements in scientific activities.