An internship is a serious matter.

According to the tradition that has developed over the years, The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (MID of the Russian Federation) for the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the prosecution office of Krasnoyarsk Territory admit the undergraduates, who are the 4th year students, for an internship .

In accordance, the internship  defense has a strong and amenable foundation in these enforcement agencies. 

The associate professor of criminal procedure and criminalistics chair, the candidate of legal sciences L.V.Mayorova organized the internship  defense of the students, who undertake it in subdivisions of prosecution office of Krasnoyarsk Territory. The candidates of legal sciences - I.A. Damm, Т.В. Dolgolenko, V.P. Bogdanov, O.G. Ivanova did this internship. The internship  defense took place 10 of May in the Law School of SibFU. The prosecutor of Krasnoyarsk Territory, State Counselor of Justice of the 2nd class M.M. Savchin conducted the internship defence. The director of Law School of SibFU I.V. Shishko and deputy associate professor A.S. Shahinyan conducted the meeting with the prosecutor before the internship  defense. Taken all round the students who did the internship in the prosecution agencies defended it with the good and excellent grades. Many of the 2nd year and 4th year students were familiar with the practical activities of the prosecution, working there as a community helper of a prosecutor.

The following people took part In the internship defense in The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee that was organized by the head of criminal procedure and criminalistics chair, the candidate of legal sciences, the associate professor I.A. Zhuravleva: the doctor of legal sciences L.P.Klimovich took part in it on 10th  of May; the head of criminalistics laboratory of Law School of SibFu N. A. Khakimov – on 11th  of May; the associate professors and candidates of legal sciences A.I. Bayanov and A.D. Nazarov – on 12th of May.

The first deputy head of The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Colonel of Justice A. Yu. Rasstrygin presided as a chairman on every internship defense. The head of departments, psychologist of The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnoyarsk Territory took part in the internship defenses. Investigators, who were the conductors and tutors of internships of our students, represented the student assistants. All students got good and excellent grades subsequent to the results of public defense in The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. However, both students and commissioners were of the same mind that the internship last not so much time; students assistants don’t know the legal base on the appropriate level and are not practically-oriented. The students who worked and works as a public helper did the internship easier.

Besides, the prosecution agency of Krasnoyarsk Territory and The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for the Krasnoyarsk Territory invite the tutors and the students of our university to visit their departmental museum of history of prosecution agencies and investigative agencies.

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