The scientific coterie on ecology studies: the report about the work for 2016/2017 academic year

In 2016/2017 academic year, the tutors of labor and ecology law of Law School of the SibFU conducted the work with students in the framework of scientific coterie about ecology research. The coterie sessions conducted once in two months, starting from the October of 2016.

The 3rd year students are the participants of this coterie. The total amount is 9 people.

In the framework of coterie, the students conducted the research in the as a part of common theme: realization and the protection of ecology rights of citizens: national and international aspects. The results of students’ research were published in the articles, which were published in the collection of articles of SibFU, which was published on the results of a roundtable in April 2017 as part of the annual conference held by the Yuri SibFU "Yenisei Political and Legal Readings".

Senior Lecturers of labor and ecology chamber of Law School of the SibFu D.A.Fitsay and T.G.Spiglazova conducted the overall direction and its sessions during 2016/2017 academic year.

We invite all interested and not indifferent to the environmental problems students at the meetings of the coterie on environmental research!

Schedule of coterie meetings:

07.10.2016 (an organizational meeting on the selection of topics for individual study by students in the framework of a general theme: implementation and protection of environmental rights of citizens: national and international aspects)

11.11.2016 (within the framework of the work of the coterie on environmental studies, a contest was announced on "Implementation and protection of environmental rights of citizens: national and international aspects and work began with students to prepare scientific papers).

11/13/2016 (preparation and participation of students in the eco-interactive festival "Eco Vision - 2016", the initiator of which was Youth Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory).

On 21.04.2017 (within the framework of the Year of Ecology, announced by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 5, 2016 No. 7, during the Days of Youth Science "Enisey Legal Readings", the scientific coterie on environmental research conducted an intellectual and entertaining game "Ecological QUIZ").

24.04-25.04.2017 (Ecological Human Rights Center "Bellona" held an interactive seminar on environmental and legal issues "Eco-Lawyer").


Russian version.