SibFU approved the status of country’s leading university

SibFU has established itself in TOP-20 best universities list of the country in the THE World University Rankings worldwide ranking. SibFU got 19th position among 27 Russian universities and entered into the 1001+ group of the worldwide ranking THE. The following release was established on the official resource on 5th of September, 2017.

Times ranking is the global research, in which compilers select the best higher education institutes of universal importance and range them according to the indicators. Each indicator is the quality indicator of higher education. Teaching, research, quotes, income from cooperation with business and industry and international perspectives are criteria for assessing. Each indicator in turn is divided into the separate indicators. The total amount of them is 30.

Compliers distinguished the growth of university in such areas as "The ratio of publications to the number of PPPs," "research reputation," "income from cooperation with industry," "the share of foreign teachers," and "international co-authorship." The representatives of physical and technological and natural sciences contributed to the ranking results the most.

The compliers included 1102 of higher education institutes around the world in the 2017 rankings.

Oxford University;

Cambridge university;

California Institute of Technology;

Stanford University;

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

All of the Project 5-100 participants (programs to increase the competitiveness of Russian universities among the world's leading research and educational centers), and Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University were represented in the rankings.


The ranking of best world universities (THE World University Rankings) is the global research and the following rankings of best higher education institutes of world importance. The rankings is calculated  according to the methodology of British volume Times Higher Education (THE) with the participation of informational group Thomson Reuters. The ranking is considered as the most influent global rankings of univerisities. Times Higher Education among with Thomson Reuters developed the ranking in 2010 in the framework of a global project Global Institutional Profiles Project. This ranking came to replace the popular ranking World University Rankings which was published since 2004 by Times Higher Education among with the Quacquarelli Symonds company. Since 2010, Quacquarelli Symonds in turn publishes the ranking of the best worldwide universities named QS World University Rankings, which is considered as the one of the leading ranking in this area.

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