The seminar “International relationships of Russia and Japan at the present stage”

The seminar, which is referred to the theme of “International relationships of Russia and Japan at the present stage”, was conducted in the framework of the visit of the head of Aichi Prefectural University (Japan), the lecturers and internship-students of this university in the Law School of SibFU on 13.09.2017.

The selected theme opens the series of scientific occasions, which are dedicated to the Russia-Japan cross-year in 2018.

The seminar was started by the speech of principal APU T.Takasima, who told about the interest of research in the history, culture, law, internal and external policy of Russia and Japan at the present stage. The study of Russian language is in particular the part of sphere of foreign studies, which are represented in the APU. To the mind of T.Takasima, the commercial, investment relationships are the most perspective for the development spheres. Japan and Russia are able to accordingly provide for the offshore developments in the Arctic, use the Northern Sea Route. Moreover, T.Takasima noticed that for both states, the preservation of the environment in the World Ocean and in the Arctic is of great importance.

The next part of seminar was conducted in the form of discussion. The students and lecturers asked questions about the amount of students and lecturers who are interested Russian researches, who study Russian politics and law. T.Takasima was interested whether the students are willing to study Japan, conduct the studies of Japan policy and law, and study Japanese and Japan culture. Participants agreed that there are a great variety of perspective themes for the studies, that Russian-Japanese relations at the present stage are in a warming stage, new prospects for the development of relations are opening up, including ensuring security in Asia, economic integration, combating global challenges.


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