Round table "Bankruptcy of business: actual problems and ways to solve them" was held at the IEBC "Siberia"

This event was held within the framework of the Forum of Entrepreneurship of Siberia with the participation of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Office (KRO) of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the Krasnoyarsk Group of the company "Arbikon", the Law Institute of SibFU and the Regional Business Development Agency.

The round-table’s moderator was the candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of Civil Law of SibFU, the advocate of Krasnoyarsk Collegium of Advocates "Shpagin and Partners", member of the Qualification Commission of the Bar of the Krasnoyarsk Territory I.S. Bogdanov.

From the organizers of the Round Table, presentations were made by I.I. Krivokolesko, President of the Lawyers Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chairman of the KRO of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, Head of the Department of Lawyer's Practice of the SibFU; S.S. Zablotsky, the head of the Arbikon group of companies, a member of the Qualification Commission of the Bar of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; A.D. Nazarov, Doctor of Law, head of the Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Department of the SibFU, lawyer of the Krasnoyarsk Collegium of Advocates "Shpagin and Partners". The head of labor and environmental law of the SibFU, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor E.I. Petrova and Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of the Southern Federal University, Candidate of Legal Sciences E.N. Petrova, representatives of the regional court, the regional prosecutor's office, the state internal affairs department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Krasnoyarsk region, other state structures, representatives of the business community, practicing lawyers, many of whom are graduates of the SibFU took an active part in the discussions during the round table.


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