Round table "Environmental responsibility: problems of theory and practice"
A round table" Environmental responsibility: problems of theory and practice " was held within the framework of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Enisey political and legal readings" Legal Responsibility: National and International Aspects " on 21 of September, 2017. The moderators of the round table - Milana Valentinovna Grigorieva, Ph.D., head of the Chair of Land Law and Ecological Expertise of YuI KrasAAU and Liu Hunyan, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Law of the Academy of Social Sciences of the PRC made a welcoming speech and noted the relevance and importance of the topic of the roundtable with a palette of scientific and practical views. Darya Alexandrovna Fitzay, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Labor and Environmental Law, Tatiana G. Spiglazova, Senior Lecturer of chair of Labor and Environmental Law and Julia Vitalievna Yurchenko, the attorney of Siberian office "Pepeliaev Group", a freelance expert of the expert commission of the state ecological expertise of the Federal Service for Supervision in the sphere of Natural Resources , lecturers of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, lecturers of the Law Institute of the Krasnoyarsk State Agricultural University, as well as students of SFU Law Institute and the students, who are enrolled in the master's program "Law and wildlife policy in Siberia and the Arctic took part in the activities of roung-table. The problems of charge’s implementation for the ecological offences and crimes, the legal nature of mentioned institute and the problems of its implementation, which are connected with imperfections of the environmental acts were discussed on the roung-table. The current ecologized norms were criticized and the suggestions on the development of compensation’s forms were made. The round table ended with summing up the results related to the need to search of a balance of economic and environmental interests of mankind that can be achieved by harmonizing these relations. It is gratifying that environmental and legal issues are of interest to representatives of science, practice and business!