Krasnoyarsk "Police Academy" have made the first graduation

From October 29 to November 3 at the suburban sports and recreation center "Green hills" training camps in the framework of the regional project "Police classes" were performed for forty students of the tenth classes of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. For Russia, this project is unique and has no analogues.

Briefly about the project: it has been implemented for several years in the region on the initiative of the Public Council of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Krai. The project holder is the Ministry of education of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, and the Ministry of internal Affairs, the Law school of Siberian Federal University and the Siberian Law school of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia take an active part in it. Students in grades 7-11 in many schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and cadet corps of the region are trained under the program "police classes" (classes in law, criminology, police business, fire and drill training, etc.). It is essential to note that in the educational institutions of the region "police classes" are often called "classes of legal orientation", as in-depth legal training orients students to enroll not only in departmental universities of the Ministry of internal Affairs, but also in civil law schools, including the Siberian Federal University.

The Ministry of education of the Krasnoyarsk Krai invited the head of the Department of criminal procedure and criminology of SFU, doctor of legal Sciences, member of the public Council at the state Ministry of internal Affairs of the region D. Nazarov to be the scientific Director of this project. As part of the expert group of the project – a member of the Public Council of the state Ministry of internal Affairs on the Krasnoyarsk Krai, associate Professor, candidate of law, associate Professor of criminal procedure and criminology of the Law school of Siberian Federal University L. V. Mayorova.

An eventful and fascinating program was performed on the last autumn holidays on the basis of "Green hills" for future police officers and lawyers.

October 29, students have visited the national police Museum and the classes in a shooting dash of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Krai. All the following days before lunch the interactive classes on criminal law and criminology, administrative law and law enforcement were performed for the cadets of the "Police Academy". And after lunch there were master-classes on special training: cynologists have visited them with their sniffer dogs, traffic police officers have visited them with demonstrations to arrest offenders, forensic experts have visited them with their investigation suitcases, and also fighters of the police special forces " Thunder " have carried with the boys and girls exciting, but complicated, lessons in high-altitude training. The boys and girls had a lot of sports activities in the program, everything was organized strictly in the military – "so exactly", "no way", "we wish good health", elements of police uniforms…

Training camps was ended in the Siberian Law School of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Krai: the students were shown the training ground on criminology, classrooms, caserns, they were fed "cadet dinner" and were told about the rules of admission in the departmental University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Krai.

Of course, the future police and lawyers did not want to go home, they become very good friends with each other, parted with tears in his eyes…

The team of implementers of the project consisted on the specialists of education, the Siberian Law School of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Krai, the Law school of Siberian Federal University. In the team of our Law school of Siberian Federal University as tutors and lecturers the 1st year students of master programme "pre-trial proceedings in criminal cases" Dmitry Kostenko, Roman Grishaev, Flat Nikita and Nikita Gritsenko have accomplished a great job. Nikita Ploskikh was awarded with the Diploma of the chief of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on Krasnoyarsk Krai signed by the General-the Lieutenant of police of A. Rechitsky, and all other members of team received gratitude of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Krai and the regional Minister of defense

The course "Police Academy" was developed by the Deputy Director of the Law school of Siberian Federal University, candidate of law Sciences, associate Professor, Department of criminal law G. L. Moskalev, assistant Professor and graduate student of the Department of criminal process and criminalistics of the Law school of Siberian Federal University, attorney A. G. Trofimik, and L. V. Maiorova, and A. D. Nazarov.

Exit "Police Academy" will be held again in the spring holidays of 2019 for a new group of schoolchildren of the region, and in the summer of 2019 will be the final" Police Academy " of this cycle of the project: the project itself is long-term – will be implemented and improved further.

Anishchenko Sofia