Associate professor A. Petrov took part in seminar of DAAD

Alexander Petrov, Associate Professor of Theory and History of State and Law at the Law Institute, took part in the orientation scientific seminar of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the joint grant programs of the DAAD and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “Mikhail Lomonosov” and “Immanuel Kant” (DAAD Orientierungsseminar für Stipendiaten Lomonosov-und Kant-Programm).

The event took place October 29-30 in Bonn.

On the first day of the seminar, participants heard reports from the heads of relevant departments and experts from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the German Academic Exchange Service on the state of scientific and educational relations between Russia and Germany, current scholarship programs and competitions. On the same day, seminarians became guests of the ceremonial reception at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Bonn.

The work of the second day of the seminar consisted in the presentation of a number of pre-selected participants of the seminar of their research projects. Among the speakers was the associate professor of the Siberian Federal University Alexander Petrov. He made a presentation on his research project “Factors determining the hierarchy of sources of law in Russia and Germany”, carried out by him within the framework of the Immanuel Kant grant program at the University. I. F. Goethe in Frankfurt on the Main (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) under the guidance of Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the German IVR Section Klaus Gunther. In particular, Associate Professor Petrov spoke about the object of comparative legal research, his methods and approaches, the reasons for his choice for a comparative analysis of the legal systems of Russia and Germany and preliminary scientific results.

Denis Titov