The Russian-German Legal Prize was awarded to the Law School graduate

Bykovskaya Anna Sergeevna, master’s degree “Advocate in a legal proceeding” graduate, has become the winner of the Russian-German Legal Prize 2018 for a Russian-language research called “Handling the court cases in summary proceeding as a trend in the development of criminal legal procedure in the countries of the continental law tradition”. Graduate qualification work of a candidate for a master's degree written under scientific supervision of A. A. Brester, PhD in law, associate professor of criminal proseeding and criminalistics, was submitted in the contest.

Legal research, the results of which were presented in the Master’s thesis, was being held nearly for three years with the study of theoretical and practical aspects of summary proceedings including the time of internship in Germany. According to the scientific work results, several scientific articles were published in the core magazines dedicated to law as well as several scientific reports were presented at the academic conferences at various levels including specialized round table discussion on summary in criminal proceeding which was held in Law School in 2015. Now Bykovskaya A. S. is a leading specialist of one of the Krasnoyarsk city administration departments.

This Russian-German Legal Prize was established by Russian-German Law Institute, Russian-German Association of Lawyers and Russian-German Chamber of Commerce in 2011. The prize is aimed at support of exchanging the law experience between Russia and Germany/Austria/Switzerland and, above all, at encouragement of young lawyers studying this scientific subject.

The Expert Commission annually chooses two scientific researches, one of which is written in German while another one is written in Russian. This was the first time in the history of Russian-German Legal Prize when two scientific works written in Russian were chosen by the Expert Commission as the best among nearly twenty researches.

The delivery of certificates and the Prize itself to the winners in a solemn setting will be held during the Russian-German Association of Lawyers Conference in Berlin on 6thof December 2018.

It is worth noting that this is not the first time when representatives of Law School of Siberian Federal University win the Prize. Our professors and students’ researches were marked by the experts as the best ones in different nominations in 2011, 2013 and 2016 (further information about this is represented at a web-page of the Prize). 

Daria Karasyova