The award “Lawyer of the Year 2018” was awarded to the Center for Additional Education of the Law School of the Siberian Federal University

The Center for Additional Education of the Law School of the Siberian Federal University is recognized as the winner of the competition “Lawyer of the Year”.

The competition is annually held by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization “Association of Lawyers of Russia” in several nominations. This year the award “Lawyer of the Year” in the nomination “Legal education and legal science” was awarded to the staff of the Center for Additional Education of the Law School of the Siberian Federal University «for high professionalism and significant achievements in legal education».

A diploma and a memorial sign on behalf of the Center were awarded to the permanent head of the Center - L. Yu. Egorova.

She noted that this well-deserved award marked the ten-year collective work of teachers of the Law School, participating in the development and implementation of advanced training and retraining programs. Due to their initiative and high professionalism, programs of the Center are in demand not only in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also far beyond its borders.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to list all teachers working in the field of additional education over the past ten years. But it is extremely important to note the contribution of individual employees and teams of the departments of the Law School to the establishment and development of the Center.

The Center for Additional Education of the Law School of the Siberian Federal University (hereinafter the Center) was established by order of the Rector of the Siberian Federal University dated July 28, 2008, No. 993 to carry out retraining, advanced training for directors and specialists in order to improve their professional knowledge and business skills, prepare for the implementation of new labor functions. 

The priority objective of the Center is the creation and realization of educational programs for state civil and municipal employees of the region. The reason is that high requirements are firstly imposed on the level of qualification of the authorities: it is impossible to meet new challenges of the time without mastering modern methods of solving the tasks.

A great contribution to the development of programs for state and municipal servants was made by the following departments: civil law (N. F. Kachur, I. S. Bogdanova, S. Ya. Sorokina, E. N. Petrova, Yu. Ts. Masharova, N. Yu. Rychkov); constitutional, municipal and administrative law (O.Ronzhina, L.A. Mitskevich, A.F. Vasilyeva); criminal procedure and criminalistics (A.N. Nazarov, L.V. Mayorova); department of delictology and criminology (N.V. Shchedrin, I.A. Damm, E.A. Akunchenko, K.S. Sukhareva), Head of the Department of Social Work (N.A. Nikitina), Head of the Department of International Law (T.Yu. Sidorova) and others.

Programs are developed in close cooperation with ministries and departments of the region, law enforcement, supervisory and judicial authorities, which ensures the continuity of theory and practice in legal activities. Educational programs are implemented with the usage of the latest modern forms and methods of teaching, all students are provided with the necessary methodical materials. Theoretical and practical classes are conducted by doctors and candidates of law, judges of the Krasnoyarsk Regional and Arbitration Courts, employees of the prosecutor's office and internal affairs bodies, tax and other regulatory bodies, heads of regional ministries and departments. The high quality of the preparation and implementation of programs is evidenced by the fact that the Center annually becomes the winner of competitions for the provision of educational services to improve the skills of persons replacing public posts of the krai, elective municipal posts, public civil servants of the krai, municipal employees in the Jurisprudence direction held by Affairs of the Governor and the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Krai. During this time, more than 6 thousand state civil and municipal employees of the region have been trained at the Center. 680 people of them were trained free of charge, which provided significant savings in regional budget funds.

At the same time, the activity of the Center is not limited to this direction only. Work on the establishment and strengthening of relations with state, regional and municipal authorities, law enforcement and regulatory agencies, commercial and non-profit organizations is continuously conducted. The aim of this process is to reach permanent interaction on issues related to improving the professional level of their human resources.It allows to create programs focused on a specific customer, taking into account its requirements and in accordance with professional standards.

The Center has advanced training of assistants and secretaries of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court and federal district courts of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, state civil servants of regional and city divisions of the Interior Ministry bodies, the Investigative Committee of Russia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. 

The qualifications of notaries and their assistants have been carried out under the program “Actual issues of notaries and notarial activities”in coordination with the Federal Notary Chamber of Russia since 2011. An obligatory condition for its implementation is the annual accreditation by the Federal Notary Chamber of Russia, which the Center successfully passes. The undoubted merit in the appearance of this program belongs to N.F. Kachur and E. B. Tarbagayeva, as well as S.Yu. Zylevich, the president of the Notary Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, whose lectures are very popular with the audience. During this period, 380 notaries and their assistants from 20 regions of the Russian Federation (republics: Altai, Buryatia, Bashkortostan, Kabardino-Balkaria, Tyva, Chuvashia, Khakassia; Altai, Trans-Baikal, Krasnoyarsk krais; Amur, Bryansk, Irkutsk, Kemerovo Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Pskov, Tomsk and Chelyabinsk regions) received training at the Center.

The training is carried out by the program “Unified Training Program for Arbitration Managers” approved by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in the In the framework of the annual Cooperation Agreements of the SFU and the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography since 2010. 175 people underwent retraining at the Center, and more than half of them have already begun work in the specialty “arbitration manager”after receiving the certificate and two-year internship. Further support for the level of professional competence of arbitration managers is provided through their annual training in advanced training programs.The program “Actual problems of applying insolvency (bankruptcy) legislation” is in demand not only in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, but also in other regions of Russia (Moscow, Tver, Irkutsk, Kemerovo Regions, Krasnodar krais). More than 700 people have been trained in it, including in remote mode. Not only professors, but also judges of the Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, representatives of the regional supervisory bodies take part in the implementation of the programs.

Reforming pension legislation required the acquisition of new competencies and the necessary level of professional knowledge from pension fund specialists.The Center has developed a remote retraining program for specialists of the Pension Fund “Law and Organization of Social Welfare” for this objective. The basic disciplines of the program were developed by E.I. Petrova and S.P. Basalaeva. More than 500 specialists from the Pension Fund of Russia departments in the Republic of Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk and Kemerovo Regions have completed training under this program. The heads and deputy heads of the FIU offices of the respective regions were included in the composition of the final examination commission in order to monitor the quality of training of students. Both listeners and leaders of the OPFR highly appreciated the quality and informativeness of the program, the professionalism of the teaching staff, the level of organization of the educational process (thank-you letters and feedback from the listeners

Due to the need to integrate into the legal system of the Russian Federation a new institute for pre-trial settlement of legal disputes (mediation), the Center was one of the first in Russia to develop and implement a training program for mediators (“Mediation. Basic Course”), which was trained by lawyers and heads of legal departments large commercial organizations of the Irkutsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Considering that the successful implementation of the mediation procedure in the public and legal consciousness largely depends on the understanding of the essence of the procedure by representatives of the judicial system, in 2010-2012. the program “Mediation in Judicial Activity” was implemented, which was trained by more than 50 judges of district courts and the Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as their assistants.

The entry into force of the “National Strategy for Action for Children” and the announcement by the President of the Russian Federation of the “Decade of Childhood” identified new professional challenges and tasks for a wide range of specialists in the system for the prevention of child neglect and juvenile delinquency. Based on this, the Center offered social pedagogues, specialists of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and commissions for the affairs of minors and protection of their rights, specialists working with young people, as well as specialists of the system of social protection of the population a wide range of programs, such as: “Organization of school mediation services in educational institutions "," Prevention of high-risk behavior among young people "," Effective technologies of social work with families in a socially dangerous position "," Mentoring technology in the professional activity of a specialist in youth work "," school mediation service: reducing reaction to conflicts among adolescents. " These and a number of similar programs have been developed by the Social Work Unit of the Southern Siberian Federal University under the guidance of N.А. Nikitin, won wide popularity in the professional community and do not lose it in the present. About 600 specialists have been trained in them.

For many years, the Center has been an authoritative platform for improving the qualifications of the faculty of Siberian law schools (Baikal State University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk State University, Omsk State University named after FM Dostoevsky, Tomsk National Research State University), Southern ( Southern Federal University), Central (University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation) federal districts, as well as universities his and abroad (Republic of Bulgaria and Kyrgyzstan al.). Interest in the seminars is due to the active participation of specialists and researchers from well-known foreign universities. Students not only master the modern methods of national education, but also study the western experience of teaching law. Only in recent years, training seminars have been held on the following topics: “Modern methods of conducting the state exam”, “Solving problems (incidents) as the main practice-oriented teaching method: new approaches”, “Training lawyers in the UK. Case-based methods in lawyers' training, “A common doctrine on law, state and politics, and their history in a modern law university: problems and solutions” and a number of others, who were trained by about 500 teachers. The training was free of charge. The initiators and developers of these programs were A.F. Vasilyeva and A.A. Petrov.

The programs of advanced training on the most pressing issues facing society at the present stage are being implemented free of charge.

In particular, according to the programs: “Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects of Siberia” and “Youth in the Information Society: Topical Protection Issues” more than 100 people were trained free of charge, including employees of social and other budgetary institutions of the region.

More than 90 people were trained under the Anti-Corruption and Anti-Corruption Examination of Regulatory Acts and Their Projects: heads and specialists of ministries and departments of the region, the Legislative Assembly of the Region, the Administration of the Governor and the Government of the Region, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Krasnoyarsk Region, and the Election Commission of the Region. The “core” of the teaching staff providing these programs is the department of delictology and criminology.

Another important task of the Center is the development and implementation of additional professional programs for university students, aimed at expanding their professional competencies in order to increase demand for and competitiveness in the labor market. Over the past period, more than 500 students studied under the retraining program “Interpreter in the field of professional communication” (program managers I. Mishin and T. Sidorov) and the advanced training program “The contract system in the procurement of goods, works and services to ensure state and municipal needs. " The cost of training for "student" programs is reduced by 40-50%.

In total, over a ten-year period of the Center’s activities, more than 11 thousand people underwent training under advanced training and retraining programs, of which about one and a half thousand were trained free of charge.

According to the coverage of students, the Center can objectively claim the status of a Russian: according to its educational programs, residents of all federal districts of the Russian Federation were trained.

Frolova Elizaveta

Titov Denis