Investigator - creative profession

On November 20, 2018, in the Main Investigation Department of the Investigation Committee (MID IC) of the Russian Federation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a five-hour research seminar on the history of the investigation in Russia was held for full-time and part-time students of the pre-trial criminal proceedings master program – master class "Professional qualities of the investigator: an introduction to the profession."

The veteran of the Krasnoyarsk investigation the famous Siberian detective Igor Vseremolodovich Veremeenko told about the history of the investigation in our country in the museum of the regional investigative commander-in-chief. The museum contains amazing exhibits of pre-revolutionary Soviet times - an investigative suitcase and other investigative attributes, photographs, uniform, investigative office equipment, etc. It was interesting to know that before the revolution, the investigation in Russia was conducted by judicial investigators only men appointed to this high position by decree of the Emperor. And only from the time of the Soviet power women came to the investigation who proved themselves in this research work in the best way.

Igor Vsevolodovich affordably told about his work as an investigator, about the qualities that the detective needed, gave interesting examples from his rich practice during the master class. The keynote in the speech of the honored veteran constantly sounded that the investigator is the best and most creative profession.

The master of investigation gave a lot of advice and recommendations to students of a specialized master program.

The scientific director of the pre-trial criminal proceedings master program who participated in the event, the head of the criminal procedure and criminalistics department of the Siberian Federal University, Doctor of Law A. D. Nazarov thanked I. V. Veremeenko for an interesting meeting, and Igor Vsevolodovich himself expressed a desire to constantly meet with students and lead with them a professional conversation on the investigative craft.

Attention! 3rd and 4th year students!

At the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, A. D. Nazarov can get a referral to work as a public assistant to the investigator or prosecutor.

Khristina Savchuk ЮЮ17-12БМИП