"Bursary with a female face": students of Law school SFU received a prestigious educational grant

On December 10, the Siberian Federal University hosted the award ceremony for the winners of the "Overdrive" scholarship program. It was established in 2010 by the “Siberian alternative” company under the leadership of Lyudmila Uss. Grant-holders, according to the regulations, can be students of the Law School, Institute of mathematics and fundamental Informatics, Institute of Philology and language communication, who came from countryside, with good and excellent level of grades, who also take part in research activities, social and cultural life of the University.

This time educational grant provided to 5 students of our Institute: Bokisheva Alexandra, Eremina Yulia, Zapechenko Elizabeth, Pogotovko Anna and Tsupinina Diana.

And there can be no doubt that the selection of winners is objective! Of course, all students study as good as possible, as well as participate in the public life of the Institute. Their hard work and dedication are also evidenced by pre-University successes.

Four out of five girls graduated from school with a gold medal.

Eremina Yulia was awarded a diploma of I degree of XXI all-Russian teenage readings named after V. I. Vernadsky (Moscow, 2014) and the winner of the III degree of the all-Russian scientific-innovative conference of school pupils " Find out a scientist in yourself "(St. Petersburg, 2015), flawlessly graduated from the music school.

Tsupinina Diana was awarded the diploma of the laureate in the all-Russian competition "Albus" in Russian language (2012), took 1st place in the interregional scientific and educational competition-research "LEONARDO#4" (2012-2013). From 2005 to 2016, she was engaged in the exemplary folk dance ensemble "fidgets", and then in the exemplary ensemble of pop dance "VIP", which won prizes in regional creative competitions and international competition-festival "Seven steps".

Bokisheva Alexandra took part in the all-Russian contest of schoolchildren in various subjects and 7 times became the winner at the municipal stage in the disciplines of "History", "Russian Language", "Literature", "Law" and "Social Science".

Zapechenko Elizabeth several years in a row won prizes in the regional competition of reciters. In 2012, she was included in the delegation of the Krasnoyarsk’s region to the Kremlin Christmas tree for her academic and social achievements.

Pogotovko Anna from early childhood engaged in dance and studied at the music school for 2 years. She participated in long and short distance races, representing the interests of the Shushenskaya secondary school №1, played basketball.

Congratulations to our students!

Sokolov Gleb ЮЮ17-12БМИП