A student of Siberian Federal University took the third place in the International scientific-practical convention at Kazan Federal University.

The Third International scientific-practical convention of graduate and postgraduate students “E-justice and digitalization of the law” was held from 23 to 24 November 2018. In this year students from more than 60 universities of Russia and also students from the near abroad participated in the Convention. About 300 reports were presented; some of them became a matter of heated discussions and debates. 

The forth-year student of Law School of Siberian Federal University Darya Holyavko presented a report “Issues in enforcement of online arbitration awards” (a research advisor is a head teacher of Civil procedure department Maxim Lyubchenko). During the research the student noticed confusing and contradictory nature of the mechanism for enforcement of online arbitration awards.

The jury appreciated relevance and originality of the scientific work and gave the third place to Darya in the section of civil, arbitration and administrative procedure.

Reports of students concerned the most urgent problems of digitalization civil procedure at the current stage. There was also some discussion on definitions such as “artificial intelligence” and “e-justice”. Moreover, participants of the Convention couldn’t forget about the issue of automatisation and implementation of electronic writ procedure in Russia.

That is necessary to mention that students of our university took part in other sections of the Convent. In the section of Criminal law Peshkov Artyom presented a report “Is a taking someone’s account in an online-game a crime?” (a research advisor is a assistant professor of Criminal law department Moskalev Georgiy).

Law School is proud of its students and wishes more scientific achievements and success in the future! 

Ryzhenkova Marina