World and science: Law School of the Siberian Federal University in the Higher school of Economics

The V international scientifically-practical conference "WeltundWissenschaft" was held at the Higher school of Economics (Moscow) on April 19, 2019. Anastasiya Kondratenko, the 1st year student of the double Master's program "German and Russian law" (implemented jointly with the University of Passau, Germany) presented the Law School of Siberian Federal University.

Anastasia has successfully performed a presentation on "Besonderheiten der Anwendung völkerrechtlicher Vorschriften durch die nationalen Gerichte Deutschlands und Russlands" (from ger. "The features of the application of international law by the national courts of Germany and Russia"), which was prepared under the scientific guidance of Valentina Tereshkova. The students of Bachelor and Master’s degree of the Moscow state law University named after O. E. Kutafin, RUDN University, Moscow state Institute of international relations and Higher school of Economics have also participated in the section "RechtinTheorieundPraxis" (from ger. "Law in theory and in practice"). The section was moderated by Alexander Droit, representative of the Russian-German chamber of Commerce.

The conference "WeltundWissenschaft" is held annually in spring at the Higher school of Economics. Students and postgraduates can perform their presentations at the sections of law, linguistics, politics, sociology, history and even cognitive science! The working language of the conference is German. At the end of the conference the best presentations are published in the collection of articles. More detailed information can be found here:

Anastasia shared with us that the WeltundWissenschaft conference is not only an opportunity to present the results of her research to the experts of Higher school of Economics and gain spectacular concepts for future research, but also a great opportunity to meet incredible people. After all, the so-called "information fair" is held especially for the participants of the conference before start of the sections, which is attended by representatives of the Russian-German chamber of Commerce, Rödl& Partner, FreieUniversitätBerlin, as well as scholarship funds: DAAD, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung.

We hope that our students will also successfully participate in conferences of this level in the future and actively expand their horizons!

Anishchenko Sophia (YY17-12BMIP)