Austrian princess and other students of Summer Law School shared their impressions.

The 22nd International Summer Law School (ISLS) was held at the Law School of the Siberian Federal University on August 6-18, 2019. 60 students from German, Austrian and Russian universities were participants of this school.

One of the participants in the school was the Austrian princess Carla Maria Lowenstein. She shared her impressions and praised the organization of the ISLS. Carla noted the positive importance of the school not only for enhancing own legal competence, but also for international communication.

She told us: «I am in my third year at the University of  Passau. Our university has long-standing partnerships with the Siberian Federal University. In the winter a representative of the Siberian Federal University came to us with a presentation of the Summer Law Academy, which takes place annually for 20 years. I was very interested then, because I am deeply into Russian law. I have been studying the Russian language since my school years, and although I have no concrete plans, I do not exclude that my profession will be connected with this country. The most attractive thing here is the opportunity to study Russian law in Russian. I see how much my level has risen in these two weeks. Moreover, I am very pleased with the organization and content of the classes. It is amazing that in such a short period of time we were able to master the main areas and fundamental material. Of course, it was without a detailed study of the issues, but nonetheless.  Now I think about coming to the Law School of the Siberian Federal University and studying here for a whole semester. Besides, this is due to the fact that I really liked the teaching staff. They are always open, ready to answer questions and cooperate. It is important to say that the expectations were completely different. Krasnoyarsk is not a tourist center of Russia, Europeans usually tend to St. Petersburg or Moscow, and it was an additional motivation to see the center of Russia. I was surprised by the kind and hospitable Krasnoyarsk residents».

During the ISLS foreign students were able to get acquainted with life in the Krasnoyarsk Krai, territorially central region of Russia. They managed to get an idea of the main branches of Russian law, teaching methods, master the basics of the Russian language and Russian culture. The school was held in three languages: Russian, English and German. It also was divided into three sections: the basics of Russian law for German students, German law for Russian students, energy law for Russian and foreign students.

Francis Steinwarder, another student at Passau University, marked the following: «I would like to connect my life with Russian jurisprudence and enroll in magistracy in Russia, so I decided to get to know better this country at first. I was positively surprised that we were given large volumes of material and had to learn quite a bit despite the short-term format”.

In addition to the educational program, an extensive cultural program was created for the students of the ISLS. It included excursions in the city, a boat trip along the Yenisei, a visit to the Stolby National Park and other attractions of Krasnoyarsk.

Hannah Brandt, a student of  the ISLS, shared with us her impressions: « Now I am studying social policy in France. The decision to visit the International Summer Law School was not made spontaneously. I studied various summer programs offered by universities for a long time and chose Krasnoyarsk as I found it very well organized in terms of educational component and cultural program. I liked the fact that we will study Russian law, because at my university this topic is studied not deep enough, and the fact that we can explore the cultural characteristics of the region from personal experience. During this time, my idea of Siberia and Siberians has completely changed. I feel at home here and I feel the cordiality that comes from people even just walking along the street. When I get home, I will definitely tell my parents about it, and maybe they will let me go for a longer period of study at the magistracy».

 Frolova Elizaveta