Students from the University of Passau (Germany) were successfully studying at the Law School for one year

IMG_20190620_100314_1_1.jpgFrom September 2018 to June 2019, five students from the University of Passau were successfully graduating from the program «International and Foreign (Russian) Law» at the Law School of the Siberian Federal University.

The compulsory curriculum for Hannah Baoyerle, Anna Bopp, Elina Gross, Helena Morozova and Maria Schmitt Helena was provided by the cooperation agreement between our universities. Moreover, the students had the opportunity to attend sports events that took place as part of the Winter Universiade 2019 in the Krasnoyarsk. Our German guests highly appreciated the organization the student Olympic Games.

Students from the University of Passau had the opportunity to study Russian law, in particular constitutional, civil and criminal law as part of the academic exchange. Furthermore, students studied Russian as a foreign language in addition to legal classes. Along with that students are engaged in a comparative legal study of various branches of law in Germany and the Russian Federation. Subsequently, students used the results of this research and wrote coursework.

Teachers of the Law School noted the great interest and immersion of German students in the material.For this reason, all students from Passau received good grades according to the results of the academic year.

German students studying under the «International and Foreign (Russian) Law» program can additionally master individual disciplines and double degree programs due to the fact that since 2014 there has been an agreement between our universities on the joint implementation of the «Deutsches und Russisches Recht» (double degree program) master's program. Subsequently, if such students enroll in this master's program, the studied disciplines can be credited to them.

After passing all tests and exams, students from Passau received a certificate indicating the studied disciplines and grades. This allows the University of Passau to credit the subjects studied at the Law School SFU under the educational program in Germany.

One of the students, Elina Gross, told us about her impressions of studying and living in Krasnoyarsk:

«Studying at the Siberian Federal University gave us many different emotions. At the Law School each course is divided into certain groups. Moreover, the group consists of approximately 30 students. Due to the fact that everyone should attend the seminars and the groups are relatively small, it was much easier for us, foreign students from Passau, to meet Russian students in our group.

Thus, we not only easily navigated at the institute, but also quickly began to communicate with many students. In addition, all professors personally knew the students by name, and were also kind of closer to us compared to professors from a German university, so we were not shy about asking different questions. We have always been helped with pleasure.

As for the organization of study and residence of a foreign student in Krasnoyarsk, firstly, it is necessary to note the existence of various things for life that the previous foreign students left for us, those who come to Krasnoyarsk. ... We also left some things for the next «generations».

What’s more, the international department was responsible for us and helped us in all areas of life. No matter what was discussed, one could always consult with them. We had special tutors. They were the third-year students of the Comparative Law Department, who helped us in the preparation and explained many questions on criminal, civil and constitutional law. We provided them different questions for our classes. Of course, we easily got along with our classmates and were happy to communicate with the guys.

Some tips for foreign students at SFU: you must definitely be able to adapt to your surroundings. In relation to any business, Russians do everything more spontaneously and often at once, i.e. when they say that you need to bring any documents to the department, then you really need to do this right after you know about it. The Germans are used to doing business before a certain date and within the established order, so for adaptation here some will have to change themselves. But when you have passed the period of adaptation, you will have a great time in the Siberian Federal University».