Summer Law School, which has already become traditional, was held at the Law School of the Siberian Federal University in August 2019

mlpsh.jpgThe International Summer Law School was held at the Law School of the Siberian Federal University. During the two weeks of the school's work in 2019, it combined three areas:

  • the basics of Russian law for foreign students in German,
  • international contracts in the oil and gas industry and environmental law for Russian students in English,
  • German law for Russian students in German.

This year 10 foreign students from well-known Austrian, German and French universities took part in the International Summer Law School. Some of them came to Krasnoyarsk on a special scholarship from the German DAAD fond. Foreign students presented their universities at the grand opening of the school (University of Passau, University of Cologne, Institute for Political Studies in Paris, University of Vienna, Jena University of Friedrich-Schiller, European University of Viadrin, Frankfurt Oder, University of Tubingen).

Foreign students got acquainted with the basics of Russian law and also passed a thirty-hour course of classes in the Russian language with great pleasure. At the end of the course, students took an exam to assess gained knowledge and skills. Teachers of law were teaching staff of the Law School of the Siberian Federal University and graduates of the DSG program at the same time.

The English-speaking section was attended by students of Comparative Law Department, who master professional legal English vocabulary. In addition, a student of Moscow State University became a listener of this course. Eduardo G. Pereira, an outstanding specialist in oil and gas industry, was a teacher in this area. He has also been a professor at the Department of Foreign Law and Comparative Law since August 2019.

Since 1999, a course of German law in German for Russian students has been held annually at Law School of the Siberian Federal University. Passau University, a long-standing good partner of SFU, sends it professors and researchers to Krasnoyarsk to implement the educational part of the course. The listeners are both students of the Comparative Law Department and students of other Russian universities who master German legal vocabulary. This year, students from Tomsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul and Irkutsk also took part in this course within the framework of ISLS. Professor Holm Putzke and the researcher at Passau University Anna Maria Kippardt, who conducted the exam of criminal law in Germany, researchers of Passau University Ramin Nikko and Laura Wexler, who taught European Union Law and International Law, acted as lecturers. It is completely fair to note that the professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the University of Passau Holm Putzke was a program veteran as he visited Krasnoyarsk to work with Russian students in the eleventh time. Executive Director, Chief of Staff, member of the Board of the Russian Bar Association S.V. Aleksandrov emphasized the professor’s achievements in long-standing successful cooperation with the University of Passau and awarded him with the Certificate of Merit of the Russian Bar Association.

All three sections of the school were held simultaneously, which contributed to a deep immersion in the language environment, productive intercultural exchange and the establishment of multilateral and useful contacts between students and professors from different countries.

In addition to the educational program, the students of ISLS were expected to have an extensive cultural program in their free hours, so there was absolutely no time to be bored. The participants and their professors visited the most beautiful and fascinating places in Krasnoyarsk. They explored the popular national park «Stolby», the observation deck «Tsar Fish», the museum of the world-famous writer V.P. Astafiev in Ovsyanka, whose works had been translated into 28 foreign languages. Students had very pleasant memories after a boat trip along the Yenisey River, where they managed to catch up gorgeous views of the Siberian mighty nature.

The participants of Summer Law School marked the high level of organization of the event and its enormous value for improving their knowledge, skills and competence in the field of law and for productive international communication, the exchange of cultural experiences, which is not so easy in current geopolitical situation.

Frolova Elizaveta