On December 9-10, 2019, the international scientific and practical conference «The synergy of science and practice in the context of innovative breakthroughs in the development of the economy and society: national and international aspects» was held in th

The conference covered 19 scientific areas, reflecting the main problems of various fields of modern science. About 200 scientists and specialists of the Russian Federation and near-abroad countries took part in the conference.

Siberian Federal University was represented by Olga,Gributskaya Anastasia Ershova and Ignat Shipitsa.

In the scientific area “Political science” Olga delivered a speech on ««Act Far East» policy: the new agenda of Russian-Indian relations» (scientific adviser - Yu.I. Dzis), Anastasia presented an article on the topic «Serbia’s Free Trade Zone with the EAEU: reorientation to the East or multi-vector policy?» (scientific adviser - Yu.I. Dzis), and Ignat devoted his speech to the following problem: «US-Philippine counterterrorist cooperation: challenges and achievements» (scientific adviser - Yu.I. Dzis).

Upon the results of the conference, Olga and Anastasia gained the 1st prize whereas Ignat was awarded a certificate of participation.

Congratulations to our students and we wish them further success!
